what a piece of crap

This movie tries really hard to be slick and cool and i'd like to say it has its moments before falling flat on its face....but it doesnt..it sucks from start to finish.
Its got an incredibly predictable plot and a cliche "tough guy crew", not to mention terrible acting. This movie is so bad it makes Harvey Keitel look like an amatuer.
My favorite "meant to be cool but ultimately lame scene" has got to be the shootout where you get to see Harvey Keitel run in place as his method of dodging bullets, all this while firing at "hispanic gangsters"...just because you say ese doesnt make you thug...it would help if they were actually latino.



If by "european comedy" you mean cheap and not funny then no, i dont.

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this is like a bad or cheap copy from tarantino like films, i dont know why they say european comedys




look dont start dissing Missouri. It's lame, but only people from Missouri can say that.

Second...Dude I really agree that I don't think you get the humor here. It's cool if you don't. That's why they're different cultures. But just know that this movie is really really funny if you do get the humor. Not an insult on your intelligence in any way, just saying.

Third....I like the Little Mermaid. Leave Disney out of this...


Just because someone didn't think Crime Spree was funny it doesn't mean they didn't "get" the humor, it just means they didn't think it was funny.

It wasn't funny. The movie sucked. I hated this movie and I'm particularly pissed off at the imdb reviewers who raved about this crapfest and influenced me to waste three-fifty on the rental.

And, I got every single one of the jokes, and none of them were funny.



Well, I for one found the movie hilarious. It's a parody. Take, for instance, the scene where Keitel delivers a line to Abe Vigota, that sounds very cool/profound/gangster-like at first, but leaves you wondering : "What did he really say?" - and seconds later, when he's left the scene, Vigota goes "What the *beep* did that mean?". I could give more examples. Great stuff!


It's a very funny film, with a nice intricate plot.
No, I don't think they're getting it an finding it wanting. They just don't get it.
It's not so much between american and european styles. It's actually more in the British crime comedy mold of "Lock, Stock", "Layer Cake", and "Snatch". And a good job of it.


" It's a parody. Take, for instance, the scene where Keitel delivers a line to Abe Vigota, that sounds very cool/profound/gangster-like at first, but leaves you wondering : "What did he really say?" - and seconds later, when he's left the scene, Vigota goes "What the *beep* did that mean?". I could give more examples. Great stuff!"

-agreed, i think this film was a really good, light hearted parody approach to gangsta shoot em ups. alot of parodies/spoofs these days are just plotless and crass and hit you over the hit with the joke like a disjointed series of bad comedy skits.
there are moments in this film that dont always work, but for the most part they ve done a really good job of retaining a complicated interesting story line and successly and stylishly mimicking other crime films while subtely taking the piss out of the genre.


Totally agree with you man.THIS FILM SUCKED GAS! AWFUL AWFUL AWFUL! Cliches galore and rip-offs left-right and center. Desperately trying to be funny. One thing we have to realize folks. There are levels of taste and consciousness. People who defend this film and find it funny... well... Your IQ is most probably in the dumps.

Another prime example of marquee names having a good ol’ time collecting paychecks and having a ball making a film at the audience’s expense, and the fact that these marquee names do NOT mean a thing when it comes to entertainment. I’m sure they had fun making it. The film however, is chock-full-o-cliché boring, abysmal stuff. The script is awful, the performances are third grade. The rip-offs are blatant. The plausibility of action is in the dumps. The comic stuff is strained and absolutely not funny, more like sad. Seeing aged actors trying to be funny is probably one of the worst things you could do with your precious time. Five minutes into this film I already knew what I was in for, but I stayed with it, because “it’s so bad, it’s good.” Like for example, when a scene is set up to have the 5 Parisian low-lifer bad guys land in a super-rough Chicago hood and face a band of black thugs. The black guys only had knives (right!) and the French dudes had the guns. HAHAHA-funny! Paleeese!

The producer and director obviously has the right connections to the money and the stars. If they would’ve attempted to make this film with unknown actors by an unknown director it probably wouldn’t have made it past the script stage. It looks and feels like a generally amateurishly constructed low-budget independent fare, except with big name actors and a big budget.

How do big names like Gerard Depardieu and Harvey Keitel get involved in this kind of turd totally escapes me. One would think they had better taste and a sort of responsibility to deliver to audiences worldwide who based on their attachment might just check out this worthless pieces of you-know-what. Is it the old thing about “well, on paper it looked good…”?

How do “directors” like this get work in Hollywood? How do these movies get made? Who do you sleep with or lunch with in order to get such an amateurish, pathetic, awful, boring film made in the 21st century?

I’m a filmmaker and what really fraggin pees me off in this equation is that fact that it probably cost 60 mil to make and you could have made 6 really good movies for that. At least.


It saddens me to think of the work you must do as a Filmmaker. Give us a link to an IMDB page to one or more of your films please.

Crime Spree's budget was just shy of $12M. You see, European actors don't get the massive pay of American actors. They have to make quality work because their pay is based on the back-end of the film. A couple hundred thousand up front if you're lucky; then once the studio and production company makes all their expense back, then the actors get their % of the profits. $60M won't get you much as an American Filmmaker. More films are made cheaper in European and former Soviet markets than here. Nightwatch and Daywatch, for example, were made for $4.2M each in Russia and former USSR states, the Country's highest film budgets ever. Final Watch, the end of the trilogy, will be made in the US with an estimated production budget of $80M. That's almost 20 times more just to make a film here. But the end result in the quality of the films is not 20 times less than other "CGI Heavy" films, but equal in quality.

Europeans have a different reaction to film than Americans do. Many European films have their endings changed, err "extended/alternate endings" when coming to US shores because their endings are usually more true-to-life than "everything is okay." If this film were made by American Filmmakers Julian most likely wouldn't have died; and the budget would have been closer to your numbers.

Hollywood has nearly priced themselves out of the film market with their massive budgets.

As per your rip-off philosophy; films like this are made by combining formulas that are known to work and then adding a specific flare to it. No one claimed it was an original idea. The film also has its own unique presence. Today's Hollywood is one giant rip-off with its remakes of everything. Superman Returns, err, Superman Flops I should say. Where the heck did the $300M go? And required $600M at the box office just to break even. How's that? Their rip-off, or should I say continuation of the Chris Reeves films was totally half-ass at best. Keep what you want from the original films and kick out whatever doesn't fit YOUR vision. Filmmakers have a specific responsibility when entering a franchise. Either take the rights and create a new franchise, or honor the previous films if continuing the franchise. How many films could you make with that budget?

Crime Spree: Budget $11.677M USD, with a worldwide return-to-date of $73M + USD(including theatre, DVD/Video sales, cable licensing & rental as of Dec '05). Nearly 700% return in 3 years. Crime Spree was received well.


no he's right, this movie tried to hard to be others and lacked complete originality and what it copied from taratino/ritchie esque movies was not done in a way to hold itself up against them, don't whine on and on about how good this movie is and how we are haters, this movie was not very good, and don't say i don't get or like european movies, because that's false, i love european movies, just the good ones. Harvey was the reason i rented it and his role was so cliched, as were most of the characters, that wouldn't even save it for me. This movie was bad plain and simple, quit bickering and watch a good movie.... and for the record, Missouri is just as lame as any other state in America.


The movie was funny, and alot better than most crap today! And the main characters of the gang are hispanic you know there are white south americans that have hertige from the latins (spain, france, italy) but the majority are indians that speaks spanish.


Why is when some people don't like a movie they get so hostile? You didn't like, fine. Why the need to attack the ones who did? Crime Spree is a hoot if you take it the way it was meant. It's a broad comedy and for me, it works. It's a very funny movie.


Why is it that people create screen names for the sole purpose of praising and defending one crappy movie?




Oh, and I suppose Ham-Dog is your real name?
What the hell are you talking about? What the hell are you responding to?

The only way your question could make any sense was if I had said, 'Your screen name is not your real name,' which I never said.

Why don't you stick to doing what you do most - writing 10 Star reviews for Crime Spree. I think you've written four so far, or is it five?



I thought Crime Spree was excellent. One of the better films I've seen. And I'm a different person Ham dog.


I don't know about "excellent," but good, yeah. I wish it was less Ritchieist, though. The ending was almost identical to that of "Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels." I still found it funny.


One of the better films you've seen?


Either you haven't seen too many movies or you're an extremely poor judge of quality.




Stop flaming please! child..


People have different taste in movies. Just like everything else in life.

Let's compare it to beer. I don't like light beers. I find them unflavourful, and unsatisfying. A large portion of people like them, and that's fine with me. If I show up to a friend's house with a case of my premium dark German beer, maybe one other person will touch it. That is fine with everybody else. Nobody will trash talk me for liking my beer, and unless somebody is drinking Natural Light, I won't trash talk them.

If you think this movie was complete rubbish, you haven't seen enough movies, just like you blame everybody else for. There is some genuinely bad movies out there. If you want a bad movie, get "Green River Killer" or "The Smokers".

I personally liked "Crime Spree". It had some good humour, and wit. It's a different kind of humour, and not everybody will be a fan of it. Doesn't matter, It's just like my dark beer, I like it.


Ham-Dog, I agree with hearsedrivemodly. If you don't like a movie that is fine... Apples and oranges... or in this case, light beer and dark. You are certainly entitled to your opinion, but there is no reason to insult others because they don't share your view. Film is subjective... am I wrong because I find something funny that you do not? Am I wrong because I liked something you do not? I thought Crime Spree was very funny and entertaining. I liked it. That's all there is to it. I don't see why it is so imporant to you to debate the issue. It seems that the vast majority of people posting liked the movie. They are not wrong... merely different and their opinion should be respected.


Don't pick on Ham-Dog. Its not his fault his mother put a nicotine patch on her nipple when he was breastfeeding.


This is one of the dumbest posts I've read, and it's dumb on so many levels.

I'm not the one being disagreeable.
Look at the title of the thread: what a piece of crap.
I'm not debating the issue. You are.

It seems that the vast majority of people posting liked the movie.
It seems like the vast majority of people posting here have created accounts for the sole purpose of praising Crime Spree and whining about anyone who doesn't.

One guy wrote five ten star reviews of Crime Spree.
And all of the positive reviews sound fake.

I'm honest. I hated Crime Spree. It sucked.





Fighting over the internet is like winning the special Olympics; even if you win, you're still a bloody retard.

Everybody just lighten up, some of you liked it, others didn't. Its called freedom of thought.

I liked it, it was a pleasant surprise when I accidentally rented it; but I can also see why others may not like it. No need to debate and argue over why and how, just an opinion, end of story.


wait after you sign up you have to verify with either a bank card or sms text to your phone to post on the message boards...so you are saying he went and made a new bank account or bought a new phone just to argue with you over an internet forum?...get over yourself lmao...


No, I wasn't saying that, junior. In 2006, when I made the post, there was no verification. Verification was made mandatory because of jackasses Like the ones I referred to.



Au contraire. Le film etait tres brilliant.


I loved the movie it is one of my favourite movies now ; I am neither European nor American and I had enough of watching the" Hollywoodian Cliches " enough of it , that movie was a nice "spree " of it but with higher quality and script ;not to mention the wonderful cast :)


C'est vrai. It is brilliant indeed. Fantastic cast, great jokes, funny plot. Hard to beat.


C'est tres brilliant, d'accord.


I really enjoyed the movie. Had no expectations at all.

