That much blood?

I know she was a virgin but that can't be normal to bleed like that. I don't know any of my girlfriends that bled after normal sex.

Going to Church won't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage will make you a BMW.



some hymens are more "porous" than others--if isabelle had a fairly well-"intact" and not so porous hymen (all hymens have holes otherwise women wouldn't be able to menstruate properly), never fell in way to tear her hymen, or never masturbated with fingers penetrating in her vagina--then yes i can imagine her first time would be with that much blood... and it didn't seem like so much tbh.


I'm sure every woman is different when it comes to the first time. One of my friends told me that when she lost her virginity, she didn't bleed for the first time, but after the second time w/ her boyfriend, she had to use a pad. I liked the previous poster's explanation, too. Makes sense from a medical standpoint.
