Also, I notice that theme continuing in other deaths in the series. In pt 1, the teacher pretty much caused her own death, as well as the guy in the apt fire in pt. 2.
Everything those 2 characters did was all caused by their own actions. Death didn't do anything to them. Nada.
Death still killed those people, but it used the fact that they'd do certain things to kill them. It's like the whole "know your enemy" thing; Death knew how they acted, and knew how it could get them.
Even with the things that were their fault, it's still too perfect that everything happened the way it did, isn't it? For example, even if Evan (the shirtless guy in the apartment fire) was the kind of person who would throw food out the window, what were the odds that he was going to be outside so he could slip on it later? Even if he was the kind of guy who would reach down the waste disposal to save his new ring, what were the odds it would happen just before a fire? And what were the odds that he'd be startled into dropping said ring by a spark in the microwave, caused by a magnet?
Furthermore, why did that magnet suddenly decide to fall that day of all days? Just so it could cause Evan to drop his ring, then get stuck until the fire is too much for him to put out, so he's forced to climb that deadly ladder? Death made the magnet fall, so all this would happen - it set Evan up, and decided his fate.
The same applies to the other deaths that had human errors in them, Death took the fact that the characters would make those errors, and used them. Death also makes sure that things happen at exactly the right time, I think.