Why the BBQ death?

I think this film over complicated the whole death order and rules and ended up a bit messy. The boy dying at the end really stood out as an error to me, I understand that he was saved by one of those who should have died so death got him in the end. However if those people had died in the pile up there would not have been an accident in the field for him to attend to and there would never have been a news van there to kill him. So why did he die?



That's disappointing - to have "one last surprise" really? In a comedic way, sure. But it doesn't make sense. If the director really wanted to give us a last surprise and remind us death is still out there, he'd have Kimberly and Burke die.

Alex also died and was revived much like Kimberly, creating "new life" that didn't help Carter, Clear or Alex one bit. That's why I liked the ending of FD3 - there are no ways out of escaping death.


That is my favorite part of the movie. The cinematography tricked us by having us think that the movie would have a happy ending. Also, I do not see why people are having points of order for why and how a death occurred. Death never promised anybody that he would follow rules.


I liked it too.

"Sometimes life hands you lemons that are worth 2 in the bush, I like kittens."


Thanks for sharing that, KrazyKatgrl. Now, we can all sleep better tonight. 😘


OK, the most annoying thing to me about this movie is that. If it wasn't for them crashing, that news van would've never been there, so Rory saving that kid is like a double negative.


I like the BBQ death.After the explosion the kid's arm lands on the mother's plate and she starts screaming hysterically.LOL.


it was a stupid ending to a so-so film
