This should be live-action!!

This would an amazing live-action movie!!!


that sould so rock


they should make Jak and Daxter movie like monster house

DarkAlessa now the end of day and Iam the Reaper:silent hill


that would be awesome!

KNIGHT OWL - Bacchus Oranos
The N00bist Society


im wondering why they haven't done this yet, it would be awesome


movies of games never work. as awesome as the idea is, there isn't much of a storyline to make a whole movie out of, since the game is built on exploration and collecting stuff rather than plot driven. The second and third games could potentially be made into movies though, in the right hands.


I reckon it'd made a good HBO show like The Sopranos or Game of Thrones.


Hm, that could work, though I think they'd have to throw in a lot more character based stuff, or it'd be too boring and repetitive. Collecting 100 of an artifact (And 1000 more if you count precursor orbs) works in a game setting, not so much in a screen/tv adaptation though :P
