MovieChat Forums > Cradle 2 the Grave (2003) Discussion > Do they make these just to do stunts ?

Do they make these just to do stunts ?

Does anyone else get the impression that movies like this one are made so a bunch of overpaid idiots can trash around a movie set and drive like morons and break and blow something up while they have dozens of idiots yelling and screaming like they're at the Roman Ampitheatre ?
I mean how do they go through this crap on these movies ?

I'd bet the blow it up fake explosions and glass breaking crews in Hollywood have a HUGE union.
I mean their Unionmust outdo the entire longshoreman union and manufacturing unions and carpenters and construction unions combined.
I'd bet they have 4,000 morons making little setty sets for them to break, crash, explode, destroy, and blow up.
They must have a vehicle production line that comes straight out of a special GM Hollywood factory somewhere in indochina.
I am so sick of it.
Worse than the stupid stunts and explosions is the fact that they spend days, weeks, months, and millions of dollars making the crap, then, the cutting room floor idiots have seen it ten thousand times besides being gawking doofuses when it was produced, so they think everyone else viewing has an intimate knowledge of the scene, and they cut the super stunts down to 1/2 of a millisecond idiot chop shots, where you need to be on speed and crystal meth to get a good billionth of a second glance at what they just did. If you turn on your hippy black felt art strobelight, and crank up the strobe speed, you can actually get a trillionth of a second blip on the screen that gives you something more than an MTV idiot subliminal peek at what just happened.

Are all those people doing crack cocaine and crystal meth when they make these and hack them to bits on the cutting room floor ?
It's no wonder the society has attention deficit disorder, you need a one twentieth of a second attention span for every stupid stunt shot, tallied on the screen one after another, or preferrably, be on speeder dope of some kind so you can actually see it.

They all do this - ten thousand cut shots, flashed to you over a millionth of a second, blathering and scattering to the next idiotic screen blip.

The whole Hollywood scene and producer market is irreparably addicted to it.
I just wish they'ed all come off the high speed drugs and turn off their strobe lights, and take some medicine for the idiot ADD ADHD and hyperx strobe flick crap.

You just know they're all waddling around giving eachother the super high five and exclaiming to eachother "job well done".

Gosh I wish they would all go away into a dark hole.


You won't get any argument from me . Pure garbage.

