in the first jeepers creepers the creature is drivin around smashin the hell out of darry and trish's car w/ his souped up truck nicknamed "beating you." At the end of the movie, the creeper can be seen in some kind of a new hideout, likely a sewer facility or something (theres a lot of dripping and rusted pipes) so what i wanna know is:

1. where is beating you?
2. where is his (the creature) hide out?
3. is billy taggart's body there?
4. why is none of this mentioned?

what do you guys think???


I don't think it's beating you, I think it's b eating u.


It was b eating u.

Quill: You talk pretty tough for a guy in a cape.
Pyro: [lights flame]Back off...



Apparently they shot a scene for the beginning of the movie where the Creeper goes into the DMV and fills in the form to renew his personalised number plate. He gets told that there's other interest in having B EATING U so the price has gone up. He can't get the cash together so he loses out on having that licence plate. It's aparently quite a bumout scene and really affected test screening viewers emotionally. They left it out of the final cut because it made people watching this movie empathise with the Creeper too much. You really feel for him! Salva wanted the viewer to remain at a distance from him though. I think it's a real shame that this scene ended up on the cutting room floor. It'll probably go down with the gay love scene in Bullit as one of the best pieces of cinema that the public doesn't get to see.


Yeah it's definately b eating you, i mean think about it. What could beating you have to do with anything.


It is.

You! Obey the fist!
RIP Heath Ledger


1. where is beating you?
2. where is his (the creature) hide out?
3. is billy taggart's body there?
4. why is none of this mentioned?

1. It's B Eating You.
2. It's Probably Where His First Hideout Is.
3. Billy's Body Is In The Basement Of The Church.
4. None Of It Is Mentioned Probably Because They Are Going To Make Another One && They Want You To Pay Money To See It.



This movie made NO sense. The first rocked but this one sucked.

1. We didn't get to see what happened to Trish!! All we see at the end of the first is her looking up at the sky, really sad.
2. where is his church? his truck?
3. Why the hell can he fly that fast? in the first he barely ever flied. he only flied at the cat lady's house and when he took Darry.

watch the first and pretend this one was never made.

Quill: You talk pretty tough for a guy in a cape.
Pyro: [lights flame]Back off...


2. If you watched the first movie, at the end, the Old Church is burned down. His truck may be near by but I doubt he needs it now because he's desperate since his time is running out. No more disguises. He's full out the Creeper now and flying is the fastest way to travel lol.

4. It was a terrific film. Both were awesome horror flicks. They rank right up there for me anyway.


Flew. It's flew.


1. where is beating you? --- It's B Eating You.
2. where is his (the creature) hide out? ---His new one is an old oil rig, or something by the ocean by the looks of it.
3. is billy taggart's body there?-- No it got burnt.
4. why is none of this mentioned? ---Because most people canfigure it out..

Come and get it, bitches.


dude....after the first six or seven ppl..i was sure that it was B eating you. who the f cares if its beating you or b eating you? a space...no one ever cared in the world for a space as much as u ppl...i was just owondering where it was....cuz it made me mad they didn't use it ne more...
how do you know billy's body got burnt?


The simple answer is that the police knew about his truck (the kids gave the information to them) and it was left at the BOLO police station when he flew off with the boy. It is either impounded or destroyed. Also not that it matters, but it was Be Eating You, which makes you wonder how he did get that vanity plate.

The new hideout looks like an abandoned industrial space somewhere, since this all takes place on the last day of his (it's?) 23 days I assumed it was glutting itself before it slept and so never returned to the new hideout because it had so much to eat right there. Since it was brought down before it could go "home" to hibernate we never saw the new hideout (lair?).

Billy Taggert is most likely stuffed and preserved in the new hideout since the Creeper had time to take him and do his thing before the next day when he went after the bus. As for the church it was burned down by the Creeper after he knew the brother and sister had seen his collection, the bodies discussed on the radio are the ones from the church.

I believe almost everything has an intrinsic entertainment value.


I always wondered how a humanoid creature who only awakens for roughly a month every quarter of a century (give or take) could (a) keep gas in his antique car, and (b) apply for a personalized license plate.
It's not like he socializes much. How does he even know about the DMV?


When it comes to movies, low-budget horror flicks in particular, there are many, many questions one should probably not ask. <G>




All of these people need to learn how to pay attention to what they're watching and read movie trivia pages. His new hide out is an abandoned meat packing plant. Billy is in the new hideout because he was taken after the creeper set the original one on fire (which happened in the first movie and we learn about it when the creeper kills the cops who are driving behind Trish and Darry.). The fact that you didn't know the license plate was B Eating U shows that you weren't paying attention during the psychic's explanation of the creeper in the first movie. Also, the creeper hardly needed his truck when all of his victims were on a stationary bus. Lastly, he flew quite a bit in the first movie, yet again pay attention. He flew to get on the cop car before killing the cops, he was flying overhead when Trish and Darry go to find their clothes all over the place, he flew to get into the old cat lady's house and he flew off with Darry. (Not sure if it was you or someone else who mentioned his lack of flying in the first film but it irritated me so I mentioned it.) Next time actually watch and listen before you make a forum, you'll sound more intelligent.


New hideout? Did I miss something? At the end of the movie, the Creeper is displayed on the wall of Taggart's barn. 3 teens come to view him and ask questions. I don't remember it showing any new location. Was this AFTER the final credits?

"Cum Grano Salis"
