MovieChat Forums > The Way We Live Now (2001) Discussion > The disgusting chewing and swallowing

The disgusting chewing and swallowing

This was a unique series, but the constant nasty swallowing, slurping, and chewing food like pigs was so sickening

Le Roi Est Mort, VIVE Le Roi! - E N I G M A 3


I was disturbed by that and the way the Melmotte's hold their silverware. Mrs. Melmotte seems to always be shoveling the pastries into her mouth & I'm only on the 2nd episode! I believe the intent was to not just disguest us but to show us they may have money but not manners.


Exactly . It was to highlight how vulgar and horrible he was . It also helped to bring out the hypocrisy, greed and sometimes desperation ,of the land rich and cash poor aristocrats who despised Melmotte but were more than willing to do business with him or even marry their son to his daughter.

Gordon P. Clarkson


I completely agree with you. I finished watching the series and it was strong symbolism throughtout the entire series. We allow the rich to act in vulgar, horrible ways and either overlook it or call it eccentri. But what would they say if someone from middle society did the same? Hypocrisy.


Charles Dickens wrote about a dinner scene in "Our Mutual Friend." He described a dinner party of rich vulgar people gulping food. The host had heavy dark furniture and silver meant to impress people. I heard a speaker recite the scene once. One of the phrases used was "wouldn't you like to melt me down?" It was describing hideous heavy silver objects on the table meant to impress people by their sheer wright in silver as if they were lead instead.

The speaker shifted into a heavy gravelly voice on using this phrase.

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