Why does Rose wear black?

I know that this is an abomidably stupid question, but i was just wondering if someone could tell me why Rose wears black at her wedding? Is it because she wasn't pure after her weekend with Neil? If so, i would have thought that people of that height in society would have ignored it, for the sake of avoiding scandal.
If it's something else, please don't laugh at me too much!! :P



i agree with the idea Rose just simply didn't have time. But I also think that there's some kind of symbolism there too.

In the beginning of Rose and Simon's engagement she came off as becoming increasingly materialistic - and let's face it the whole intent on her getting married was for wealth. I suppose there were several plans for an exravagant wedding e.g. if you've read the book they mention her getting a troussou for her marriage etc. etc.

When she finally chooses love over money (by marrying Neil), it shows that for her it's no longer about the material things - the important thing for her by that point in the movie is being with Neil.

This is me ranting on... hope it helps


agree...also....wasn't Black very fashionable at the time. When they went to London to get the furs everyone is in black.

"Donna Reed wouldn't have ever forgotten the rolls...they're going to make me turn in my pearls."


Also, when Rose and Cassandra go to London by themselves, she says, "I really only want one good black suit." She's not asking for the world, and she's not yet greedy by having everything in her reach. And in the end, she settles for a man of comfortable means, but who is hardly fantastically rich.
