MovieChat Forums > I Capture the Castle (2003) Discussion > How big is Henry Cavill's role?

How big is Henry Cavill's role?

Is he just in few scenes and only has few lines or is he very noticeable in the film? Oh, and is the film good?


The film is a good one, I watched it without having read the book, and I liked it instantly. Henry would fit more in the former-mentioned---just in a reasonable few scenes with a decent number of lines, because his character is pretty intregal to the story. But its not like a huge huge character. Then agian, I would say he's noticeable, because he's ridiculously good-looking in this movie.


Then agian, I would say he's noticeable, because he's ridiculously good-looking in this movie.

Sooooo (and a thousand more o's) true. <3

What had now just seemed the impossible, now makes perfect sense.


Oh I completely agree. He was a supporting character, but his beautiful presence renders him a leading-man aura. Yumm

I loved "The Painted Veil." Please do try to see it.


It's not a really big role, but you do know he's there! I had no idea who Henry was until I seen this film. He's a good actor. OH MY...he's deliciously gorgeous in this as well!! Love the part where he's standing at the sink, throwing water on himself. Ok! I'm blushing now!!

I Henry "Sugarstick" Grubstick!


he has a smaller role, but in my opinion he stole the seat of the pants out from all the other actors in the movie! he's in many scenes, but didn't always speak. he's refered to as looking like a "greek god" in it, but the main girl character in it (whom his character is in love with) is insufferable and says she thinks he's average looking. i just couldn't get into this movie when the only character with much depth to him was henry's, and the main blonde girl's character kept saying she wanted someone who truly loved her - and that was him! UGH.


Not big enough! lol! He just gets more handsome as he's getting older, especially in The Tudors...

Say it again, it keeps me awake
I love you


It makes more sense in the book that she doesn't end up with Stephen - because although he's a lovely bloke, gorgeous and clearly loves Cassandra, she's looking for someone who's slightly more intelligent, I think. She feels awkward when he copies out famous poems for her and passes them off as his own.

What is your name, Sir, that you must shroud yourself under a lightweight travelling hat?


I know. That didn't make sense. If he was a jerk that would be one thing, but he was a sweetheart who genuinely loved Cassandra.


he is on screen for maybe 10-20 minutes, and has 2 or 3 good scenes the rest he is just kinda in the shot.

If he is a favorite of yours I would recommend seeing this movie it is a good one.


Being a man, I wasn't quite so interested in Henry Cavill himself, but does anybody know the name of the wealthy older lady he goes away with after Cassandra turns him down? I thought that was quite unexpected and even rather sexy, in a sort of bittersweet decadent way!

"Your next challenge is always your biggest." Joe Namath
