MovieChat Forums > I Capture the Castle (2003) Discussion > Why did they all love Rose?!

Why did they all love Rose?!

She was lame!
I would have been quite happy to watch a film totally about Cassandra and that hunky gardener. Mmmm.


I so agree with you- I was hoping that Stephen and Cassandra would get it on but my wishes never come true- Not even in movies-

What was it that Rose had that Cassandra didn't?- NOTHING


I think Simon found her to be beautiful, and he probably talked himself into love from simple infatuation.

Rose and Neil, on the other hand, were perfect for eachother.

I want to be alone... ~Garbo~


It is a fact of life,that men usually go for the trampier,bimboier female,instead of the smart one.The reason...MEN ARE IDIOTS.


Yeah Stephen and Cassandra were perfect for each other, and Stephen loved her so much, i felt so bad when he got her that radio and then came along Simon with his big expensive Gramaphone

Church is fallible because it's created by man


*sigh* So did I! I didn't like Simon that much...he seemed more like a wet englishman than any of the actual british men...but then again, I do think stephen would've been too 'simple' for Cassandra..which is a shame, cos he's just so goddamn hot:D

I tried to sniff coke once but the ice cubes got stuck in my nose. ^_^


heh heh so true about Simon, but the movie made him seem worse than he was! although he still was a rich snob!!

Stephens looks made up for his 'dullnes'

Church is fallible because it's created by man



In the book it was a lot more clear why Cassandra wasn't attracted to Stephen, for one she had known him since they were both children and felt more like a sister to him.

Also in the book Stephen tries to impress Cassandra with poetry, first with plagiarized poetry which she has to explain to him that she knew he copied it, and then with poorly written work.

In contrast Simon and Cassandra are intellectual equals and have the similar tastes in poetry and music.

I think that Cassandra rather enjoyed having Stephen be infatuated with her, it kind of fed her ego somewhat. It paralleled how Rose felt towards Simon although the stakes were much much higher since his infatuation predicated her getting her family out of poverty.


They didn't all love Rose - Stephen didn't :)


Exactly my thought - Stephen was so so so hot and he saw past Roses bimboness and loved Cassandra for hear sincerity and intelligence, she just was too blinded to see who the right choice was! Stephen was the all round perfect man and I fail to see why she rejected him!!



Very good point. Nor do I think it's fair to say that many of the men loved Rose for her looks alone. She's a strong woman; much stronger that Cassandra, as far as conviction goes. While we audience members, cheering of course for Cassandra, see that strength as stubborness and even manipulation, I find it likely that the men were attracted to her spirit, especially during this time period when such women were suddenly fashionable and more or less acceptable (think of the flappers idolized by so many moviegoers for their independence). Simon and Neil's mother is one such woman, and, as they say, men look for in a wife characteristics that remind them of their mothers. Keep in mind that it wasn't until the trip to the beach, when Rose got rid of all affectation and conscious "charming" and showed her genuine self, that the Cotton brothers became attracted to her. They admired her spirit and her personality, not just her looks.



Oh, certainly, the fact the Rose intends to marry Simon even after she realizes she doesn't love him is far from admirable. But it doesn't make her anathema. Remember that she at least thinks she's in love with Simon when she accepts his proposal (whether or not she really is is a topic for another day). I think that by the time she realizes she doesn't love him anymore, she's too far in. I'll grant you this, that the fact that she doesn't call it off at that point is indeed cowardly of her, but I think that she convinces herself that she can be sufficiently happy in the marriage and that the needs of her family outweigh her dislike for Simon. In short, she eventually convinces herself that she is being a brave martyr by marrying Simon (as she says, "I am not greedy... I am not selfish."). I just think Rose deserves a bit of sympathy, instead of being called a bimbo without substance or a deceptive golddigger.



Oh, no, not at all! My apologies- I wrote that in response to some of the earlier posts in this thread. No, I quite respect your opinion on the topic and can see your point. Cassandra can be at times stronger than Rose. But I also consider Rose to be a strong woman, which I think is what attracts the Cotton boys to her. So sorry about the misunderstanding. :)



If only that were so. Rose didn't explain it to Simon necessarily. She jilted him and he had to search for her for an explanation. She took the easy way out again.



I was really disappointed with Rose and Neil for eloping like a bunch of cowards. Sheesh. To do that to your fiance and's just low.

I loved "The Painted Veil." Please do try to see it.



I totally agree with you, all throughtout the movie I had my fingers crossed that she would get together with Steven because god he was so FIT and he was so much moer nicer than Simon and Neil put together I just didn't understand why she didn't like him. Then he went away to do 'things' for that old women and I thought in a kind of way that Cassandra had ruined his good nature because he was doing things for that old women just to get money, thinking Cassandra would like him for that. So I dunno but I'd of thought the perfect ending was where:

Neil and Rose got together

Simon found out he was gay or something and told Cassandra he could never love her.

Cassandra realised that she just had infactuation for Simon and it was nothing more than I little teenage crush, then she ended up falling in love with Simon and she did actually ove him.

THe movie was great all the same but I still wish in the film she'd of gotten with Steven instead cos he was so sweet bless him and I felt so sorry for hmi the way I dunno she just didnt like him.


How could Cassandra not have loved Stephen? Not only was he totally hot beyond all belief, he loved her completely. Love like that doesn't come ever day. Yes he was poor and a bit simple, but oh so loveable. She didn't deserve him anyway. I really liked the movie, but I was screaming at the end when she didn't choose him. A bit of a let down...


"I was screaming at the end when she didn't choose him." I was doing exactly the same thing, and I was practically crying when stephen gave her the wireless...



royharrop (Mon Feb 14 2005 12:46:20 )

It is a fact of life,that men usually go for the trampier,bimboier female,instead of the smart one.The reason...MEN ARE IDIOTS.

hmm.. i'm not a man and i would have killed to marry rose.. although possibly that more to do with who was playing her than anything else...


i wonder what this is all about lol
i didnt watch the movie
but im reading the book
and let's see how it goes
but even in the BOOK
though i didnt see WHO stephen is
it seems as if STEPHENS hot lol
nice thread by the wayy!


Yeah I would have gone for Cassie.


Love is not all about looks....Stephen was able to look past Cassie's looks to love her for who she was even though Rose was prettier than Cassie. In the same way, Cassie was able to look beyond Simon's looks and loved him for who he was (because we all know and accept that Stephen was SO MUCH HOTTER than Simon). I personally have been in love with a guy who isn't the best in the looks department, but everything else definitely made up for it. I admire Cassie for not settling for Stephen because she was still in love with Simon, and I admire Simon for not persuing a love-based relationship with Cassie because he was in love with Rose. Not every movie is going to end up with all of the attractive people getting together. I ABSOLUTELY, POSITIVELY, WITHOUT A DOUBT, ADORE THIS FILM!!! It displays the reality and torments of love in ways that no other love story has even begun to (with the exception of Romeo and Juliet- and I'm talking about the actual play version people, not the crap version with Leonardo and Claire).


that's my question too
Cassandra is so witty


The book is waaaaay better than the movie. Also, in the book, Stephan is blond (in the movie he is a brunette,) and is described as looking like "all the greek gods rolled into one!"

Trivia fact: the author of "I Capture The Castle", is also the author of 101 Dalmations!


you know the part in the end when neil and rose got married and stephan and rose were talking and stephan said he didn't do it (talk to neil) for rose but did it so that cassandra could have simon? so sad....i don't understand why cassandra liked simon..he's (no offence) weird...


Simple, really.....Rose's "exterior beauty" reflected her sister's "inner beauty"...but, in the end they are both beautiful sisters that both brother's identify with...(Personally, I think that they balanced each other out in the end by 1. being honest with eath other and 2. sharing a wardrobe and 3. truly making an effort to support each other.

Of course the Literal reason why they fell in love with Rose was because she demanded attention wheras her sister was trying to "look at it all" and figure out what was going on and how she fit into it...



Of course the Literal reason why they fell in love with Rose was because she demanded attention wheras her sister was trying to "look at it all" and figure out what was going on and how she fit into it...

Totally. Rose's dramatic nature kinda reminded me of Richard Gere's musical number in Chicago, "Give 'em the old Razzle Dazzle"...but in a less mercenary way. hehe. The guys couldn't help but look. But even she herself knows that her actions are all an act. At one poinet, she tells Cassandra that Simon has to propose to her "before he gets to know her better."

I loved "The Painted Veil." Please do try to see it.


Because she was beautiful and had a great personality

So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past


Yeah I know.


Why did they all love Rose?! because she is stunning (heck i'd marry her, she is like 'all the greek goddesses rolled into one'!) and far more charming than cassandra. yes it is selfish and attention-seeking but nevertheless she has a charm. I know cassandra is the main character and the viewer empathises with her more, but lets face it, she is not really attractive. Even though everyone empathises with her, i thought she was cruel - she treated stephen awfully considering he loved her so much (like writing 'i hate you' just cos of her emotional issues) and is just as bad as rose for conspiring to help her take advantage of simon, who she subsequently falls for. She is a fool for not taking stephen when the poor guy could do so much better than her, plus he's earning good money later.

I don't really know what he saw in cassie anyway, because even though he says rose is a 'bad girl', at least she would never lead him on and walk over him (probably only cos he's not rich). There is a cynical undertone in this story that if u treat em mean, u keep em keen. Rose used simon and he still loved her even at the end after she shacked up with his own brother. Neil was cold towards rose most of the time and she ended up with him. And cassie led stephen on (i don't care if u say she was confused cos its a poor excuse and she could have handled things far better), yet the sap loved her so much he even tried to hook her up with simon.

I think its unfair to label rose as a bimbo and cassie as the sensible one because she felt a burden on her to financially support the family and genuinely wanted cassie to be happy at the end. bottom line, even though i'm biased, rose wins!


I really wanted Cassie to either be with Steven.. Or if that didn't work out, I wanted Simon to love her back.. But neither of these things happened! At the end of the movie I felt a bit bummed out. I went like "That's it?! Nooo." Overall it was an okay movie.

Vamos Rafa


Quote (tigerlilly33): "Yes he was poor and a bit simple, but oh so loveable".

To tigerlilly33 and everyone else who wishes Cassandra ended up with Stephen: your admiration of him is based solely on his looks (isn't it ironic that Simon Cotton has been accused of taking infatuation for love - in this very thread, and yet you wish Cassandra did the same with Stephen? What is marrying someone for looks alone, if not taking infatuation for love?) Every time I read moaning about Cassandra and Stephen not ending up together, it's something like: "Ahhh, he's so gorgeous! Ahhhhh, he's so FIT!" C'mon... Cassandra, being 18 years old, is smarter and wiser than the whole bunch of you. She didn't fall for looks. And tigerlilly, you hit the nail on the head by saying Stephen was "a bit simple". Exactly. He was far from being Cassandra's match intellectually. You're absolutely right here. What you're absolutely wrong about, is that you're convinced that marrying someone like that would be a right decision - for a girl like Cassandra.

And what's this BS that Cassandra didn't deserve Stephen? Cassandra is a diamond in a pile of refuse. She's smart, she's intelligent, she's a talented writer, she is the one who got her father writing again (and his new novel has promise). She's brilliant.

And to libraloony: again, if you're a sucker for the sloppy "happy end" stuff, I think you should watch some Hollywood romcom.


Ughhh. I despise Rose. What's so great about her anyway? She's just a ditzy airhead with a pretty face. I actually wanted Cassandra to end up with Neil - when I was reading the swimming part I was SO waiting for something to happen but nothing did! Then at the end he went and ran off with Rose and I hated her even more.
I agree w/ what people are saying about Stephen though. I thought he was just so sweet, and I felt so bad for him when Cassandra kept turning him down. But he was kind of... simple. Dopey. As Cassandra puts it, daft.
