The moral of the story

I wish we could have gotten a little of Simon's perspective in the story, because without knowing more of how he truly felt about Cassandra and Rose, he looks like a real jackass.

I mean, this poor teenage girl, whom he had to know was not very experienced, he kisses even though he's engaged to her sister and evidently doesn't have any serious feelings for her (Cassandra). It was just a flight of fancy to kiss a minor while engaged to her sister, Simon?

I was expecting that at the end, he'd realize all along he never loved Rose and really loved Cassandra, so that would at least make it more understandable, that he was just conflicted and confused his infatuation with Rose for real love. But then he's still all hung up on her at the end, even though he barely knew her and was more just infatuated because he thought she was hot? What a tool.

But maybe we're to believe that Cassandra just interpreted his near-proposal at the end as him settling for her, when really he did love her?

Plus it's confusing because even though there's this whole theme of unrequited love, Cassandra at least had a logical reason for loving Simon. In spite of him leading her on, they had an intellectual connection. How could Simon justify his "love" for Rose other then through her beauty?

Is the moral of the story just that everyone defines "love" in a different way, so that's what makes it all so hard? You could love someone for one reason, and they appreciate you for those things as well, but to them, that's not what equates to "love"?


I took the moral of the story to be that you can't help who you fall in love with even if someone else's feelings will be hurt.

"What happens to a dream deferred?"


What I took from this movie is that love can't really be quantified. It is illogical. You can't help who you fall in love with, and that person my not love you back. I totally loved this movie. it's theme is universal. It's not just the teenage girl who is hurt by love, but nearly all the characters ... at any age.


Yeah I think LOGICALLY everything you said is correct. Or well should have been. And exactly what I felt after I watched it.

I guess the moral is as the others stated that love is not logical. It's often unrequited and ugly and harsh sometimes and it hurts. But we don't have to let it make us bitter. She seemed like she would be ok. The ending of her Diary seemed to lead on that way. Simon. Not so sure.

At least in this story it's left open. And we can imagine our own happy ending if we wish. That eventually Simon moves on from his silly "love" of her sister and realize he loves Cassandra and comes back to her. Or a twist that then she fell in love again and is already married now to someone else. Ha.
