MovieChat Forums > Far from Heaven (2003) Discussion > She should have gone with.....

She should have gone with.....

She should have gone with the gardner because he was really nice to her but I also I understand about the fact that it was the 19050's so biracial marriages and realtionships were not condoned. But she still should have gone with him.


Yes, she should have, but the 1050's were not a great time for interracial relationships. Most southern states still outlawed them. But then again, it is Dennis Haybert...delicious!!

Things are a whole lot different now!!!



Well looking back at this situation today, it's easy for us to judge who she should have gone with. In fact, she should have gone with him! But keep in mind that back then women couldn't act so freely in terms of relationships.


He didn't want her to come with him, knew it wasn't realistic. She wanted to. The only place there might have been a chance for them would have been in NYC, possibly DC. He had to go where he had family, in this case, Baltimore, below the Mason-Dixon line and not known as a cosmopolitan city. See the first Hairspray movie, for an interracial comedy set a few years later in Baltimore for just how unrealistic that would have been.


He said no, he had to do what was best for his daughter. He already had enough trouble having to give up his business and home and leave Hartford where he had lived his entire life as well as the attack on his daughter and the stones through his windows. He was shunned by both blacks and whites.


To BALTIMORE? Below the Mason Dixon Line? At a time (pre-"Loving V. Virginia" decision) when interracial marriage was still illegal? Are you nuts?? They were better off in CT.


1958 was such a different time. Some things were better then, and some things were obviously worse.

Both Cathy and Raymond were mature and conventional people. The only people who dared to break barriers were unconventional. And it helped even then to be very rich so one could travel in circles which wouldn't shun those who engaged in interracial relationships. There were a few people who married outside their rac, though, including Lena Horne. A few years later, Sammy Davis married Swedish Maya Britt (I think that was her name) and it was quite scandalous.]
