Moore's masterclass!

Finest Julianne Morore performance. Her lead masterpiece. I think she should have tied with Nicole Kidman at the Oscars. I am sure she was a close second.


Just perfect, I honestly don't think Kidman's performance was better at all, the Academy really made a mistake that year (twice because Julianne also deserved the Oscar for The Hours).



It's funny that you say "masterclass". I was just watching FfH again and marvelled at the amazing skill Moore brings to creating true theater.

I know the mark of true artfullness is that you're not supposed to notice the "art"... but IMHO, Moore can be forgiven. I found myself rewinding back to watch various 5- or 10-second sequences, with her character's fleeting cognitive/emotional vicissitudes flitting across her face and body language.

If you're trying to get your acting chops in gear, you could do *a lot* worse than to spend hours scrutinizing these moments, and learning.


She's one of the best American actresses ever, No doubt about it.


Yes, Julianne Moore was wonderful, and breathtakingly beautiful, in this movie.
