MovieChat Forums > Mindhunters (2005) Discussion > Cigerettes laced with acid?

Cigerettes laced with acid?

Cigarettes laced with "some kind of acid"? Really? What kind of acid be that then? Some kind of acid that is apparently harmless until lit of fire at which point it can burn through metal. Is this really possible? I mean... really? And if it is, did Tommy Lee Miller manufacture several packs, each full of 20 some-kind-of-acid laced cigarettes and rig them to drop out of the machines at the same time around the island?

Nitrogen that freezes a man into place in a fraction of a second from a few feet away and then freezes his entire body through in less than a minute? Never mind the fact that no profiler however awesome his profiling may be could figure precisely where the dude would stand after setting off the domino train. Never mind the fact that none of them had the foresight to look to the end of the train to see where this was going before it got there. Never mind the fact that domino trains are notorious for doing there own thing and stopping somewhere in the middle for no good reason or that a cloddish footfall or marauding cat could have set it off at any time. Never mind normal human instinct to move to one side pretty sharpish when large metal objects fall in your general direction. Even forgiving all of that, it's still obviously massively improbable that a man exposed for that amount of time from that distance would find himself shattering like a porcelain figurine in a matter of seconds.

I really wanted to like this movie, but it was just stuffed full with ridiculousness. The FBI murder and disfigure cats to use as props in profile training exercises? An entire room of soon to be FBI profilers can't tell if the cop they're holding as a murder suspect is lying or not, in fact, they seem to insist that he must be lying even when a reasonable explanation is given without any further consideration. Nothing that happens in this movie is even remotely plausible.

What a fun idea though. These are the sorts of movies that should be remade, instead of trashing classics. Good premise, terrible terrible script. Begging for a page one rewrite, maybe using just the naked premise.

What if a squirrel wants a sausage?


cigarettes. well the acid was frozen. it was cold on the island. the acid could have started working once heated by fire enough to unfreeze.
we should really do this stuff some more, maybe there would be less smokers around after we start putting acid into them.

nitrogen. it wont freeze you that fast. thats a false physics for holywood. but you could predict where the guy stands becaus he woudl ahve to turn off the radio, and watching domino would likely wouldnt move, so it was a good bet.

there are more movies of similar premise being made. you dont need to remake ANYTHING. using same premise isnt bad. it just gives us more of the good, and maybe someone else mroe of the bad.

All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for enough good men to do nothing.


OP you are a legend. This movie was ridiculous and to add to your fine list... WHEN DID THE SERIAL KILLER HAVE TIME TO SETUP THE MASSIVE DOMINO TRAP WHEN HE JUST GOT ON THE ISLAND?!



That's a cop-out. Of course vampires aren't real, but the viewer suspends his disbelief to accept the premise. Mindhunters wants us to accept that reality is somehow different in the film in a way that cheats the discerning viewer. The movie presents us with a mystery that challenges the armchair detective in us, but changes the the rules and breaks the "contract" between storyteller and viewer.

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1. The killer was a psychopath. While completely *beep* insane, they are also extremely charming. Bundy, Dhamhmer (SP?), Gacy seemed like perfectly normal people. Nobody ever suspected anything serious from them, including cops who spoke them on numerous occasions. It's not surprising that the killer was able to hide their true identity.

2. I know this wasn't your question but about the dominoes taking too long to set up, they got there at like 4:00 in the afternoon, and the first "body" was discovered at 10:00 the next morning. There was plenty of time to set up the dominoes, and the boat, the cigarette machine, and the drugged coffee.

As for the six hours not being enough time to write all those numbers in blood, I couldn't disagree more. A motivated madman (or mad woman) can get a LOT done in 6 hours. Also, the only sense of time they had came from watches and clocks that the unsub had access to and could have changed. They could have easily been unconscious for more tn six hours.

And lastly, the whole point of this film was to keep the audience guessing. I know you're really clever and you always figure out who the killer is halfway through the film, but they wanted it to look like it could be anybody. The director said so, I was just reading it on another message board.


I'm not sure what your post counters. If you want to make your mystery tough to crack then you have to outsmart the audience, not simply deform logic and credibility to fit your ludicrous template. Anyone can make a mystery that's logically impossible to solve by simply not being logical, but why bother? It's like claiming that you've designed an incredibly difficult jigsaw puzzle by having pieces that don't actually fit together, and expecting people to congratulate you on how challenging it is. It's just a cheat. If it doesn't fit together, it isn't a puzzle.

What if a squirrel wants a sausage?


Yes that's true... but I thought it was an exquisitly ridiculous movie.

So bad it was almost great.

This movie caught me off guard with the pace it started with. The moment that slater s legs and torso snapped off was when the movie slipped into full retard gear for all the over the top hyperbole gun pointing and mindless yelling

I truly really seriously do not think reality and logic is a force to be reckoned with here... This is more about histrionics, pacing and shocking twists albeit ridiculous twists written to entertain the dead... I guess I was a little brain dead when I watched it, which is why I enjoyed it so much and love me som good hokum occasionally

Once u establish absurdity, sometimes u just gotta run with it... And sometimes it feels great....
