Dont get the Haters...

I dont know why I might be one of the few but I really like this movie and dont know why its so panned. There are so many reasons to like this movie beginning with that it actually goes into Riddick’s past where in pitch there wasnt much about him and he was mostly a mystery so in this one it actually goes into his background and the myths. One of the most important things I like about this movie is how its operatic sphere heavily goes into the greek mythology and it’s all aspect of him vs Lord. I really like how it goes from imperialism and common to moral and indepency. While going into the actual fears of leadership and the attainment of power and establishment. I really like the actors but really didnt like Urban but with time Ive come to like him and his role in this. I think he shouldve been a bigger star. I really like Alexa she was amazing and beautiful. One of aspect I really like is the introduction Kyra of who so beautiful and hot. Though I kinda didnt like her storyline with Riddick. Other things that were big were the big budget, the better and bigger special effects, I liked the emphasis in exercise; the who better killer and rise to top of the mountain are epic heavy favourites, the surprised ending which if you ask me they shouldve continued on that which they totally ignored. From all three this was my favorite Riddick and wouldve enjoyed more of this Riddick.


I quite enjoy this film, but I do understand where the haters are coming from. First off, there's a veneer of cheese in this movie that you either find delicious or you don't. This movie isn't Dune edgy. Some of the deviating story points from Pitch Black are a lot to swallow. I personally have an impossible time correlating the two as being of the same universe. That stuff doesn't bother me, but a lot of fans are hard core sticklers for continuity. I don't think the film is edited particularly well. I don't know what footage did or didn't make the cut in this flick, but it's a bit messy. Urban is one of my favorite actors of the latest generation, but I did feel he was miscast in this. Most of my issues with this movie could have been cleaned up with the sequel they never made. It's a shame the studio didn't have some stones and double down on this fantasy space opera. But for the most part, it's wonderfully gorgeous film with incredible set design and costumes and larger than life adventure all over the place. I think in the post Guardians movie climate that we live in today, this would have been much better received. I know Vin and the gang are always pushing to make another one. I hope they return to this version of Riddick.


Man fk the haters. They dont understand how hard this type of movie to make is. For some reasons americans dont like greeks, they panned this, the hulk, and Alexander all great stories. They dont like too much dialog, intimacy, psychology, drama. When I first saw this and I saw it several times in the theatres I thought it was going to be huge. Everyone in my city liked it and I did too. Almost liked it too much I thought it was too good. That for sure it was going to blow up and make several sequels. Only a few years later did I realise the hate in the boards. I didnt get it. Yea pitch black was good, really good. But this one had more of humongous blockbuster feel to it the type you see in the theatres and as a hyped up sequel to pitch black it didn’t disappoint.


I did love the fantasy space opera. It was amazing on the big screen and it wasnt just a showy movie it had a lot of thought they left with you when you left the theatre. The plots holes I could handle because it was a blockbuster film and at least they tried to answer some questions. Nowadays they just squash all that and create new irrelevant stories. There was also different cuts to it that helped the movie a lot and you can see why they made it like that for the theatres but you liked the other cuts but the theatre was still good. They did the same thing with Pitch. You can tell as you said if they really wanted to they couldve filled the holes with the third sequel but for no good reason they failed. They had it right there but vin got lazy. I didnt really like Riddick as you can see( by this I mean I did like it but not as much as the first two)because it completely squashed this one and tried to go back to the first one but not as good. He also looked old to me which didnt match his chronicles appearance. The stellar cast in the second was gone. It’s strange but being independent you wouldve thought it was going to be so much bigger but seeing how commercial Chronicles was you can pretty much see the producers had it right with the plots, cgi, and action. The lower budget and more personal approach didnt help this one and though I would love them to go back to this I dont think they will. The cast got too big and wont comeback and seeing how successful Riddick was they’ll probably stick to a low budget.

I also love cheese which is probably a big reason I love this but fk yea the costumes were amazings. Dame Vaako was stunning, Strangely I always liked Lord Marshalls outfit and character. The Necromongers costumes were bad azz.


I didn't like Riddick at all. Saw it exactly the one time and never went back.


It did have some good scenes and the hot chick and the dog was a good add. I just really didnt like the cast and weak plot.


I watched Riddick again recently and I actually really enjoyed it. Guess a little time an acceptance and being grateful what you got will take you a long way.


The sets were amazing. I always liked The Kings Throne and the final battle didn’t disappoint. The spacious was lovely. I liked that vin took a shot at this and continue with the story instead of ghosting it.

This was the first time I saw Urban and I didnt like him mostly cause he looked to be like another actor and a wannabe but then I saw him in Doom which I really like and then in some other ones and then I became a fan and accepted him in this role. Its not that I didnt like his acting which was pretty good it was his look and part also that I didnt like the character. At times he seemed afraid of Riddick and never really fought him, Dame Vaako seemed to have more balls then him, and he betrayed the Lord Marshall.

I actually think when this came out it was era for these films more so than today and maybe decades before because many of the themes are too mature for most and most people dont like to combine too much thought with an action flick. The original Batman didnt have as much and once returns did they axed the entire franchise.
Im thinking maybe 70’s.

Also it didnt really bombed as it made over 100 million the problem was the over inflated budget but now it states huge video sales and cult following but all these late bloomers missed out cuz this movie is made for the BIG SCREEN!


Yeah fuck the haters, this is a really good film, I enjoyed it ... A LOT ... and I enjoyed Pitch Black even more.


Yeah fuck 'em! I'm a big fan of these movies. Chronicles is my favourite and Pitch Black is great too. I'm really looking forward to the next one.


I enjoy this movie too, I like the world building, the set design and costumes, its so different to the first movie, I'm glad the director had the balls to be different, just a shame audiences didnt like it.


Same here. Even the beginning when they are in the stones buildings were amazing.

But this one was more of a collaborative effort between the director, Vin, and the producers. With the producers having most of the hand in it. Riddick 3rd is more like Vin and the Director.

I dont really know which audience cause everyone I know loves it.


Audiences seemed to like it more than the critics. This has a 65% audience score on Rotten Tomatoes and a 6.6 on IMDB which is pretty good for a sci-fi action film. The critics score on Rotten Tomatoes is a criminally low 29%.

Just finished rewatching this and I enjoy this film a hell of a lot. I always watch the unrated director's cut as it keeps the brutal and violent action scenes uncut like Riddick's fight with the Necromonger army on Crematoria. I also love the more abrupt ending of Riddick just uttering "You keep what you kill" and then cut to credits.

I agree that I'm glad the director decided to do something different. I don't mind the third film but it's a bit of a rehash of Pitch Black at times, enjoyable enough don't get me wrong but I really want to see a fourth film where Riddick gets to Furya and we get something different for this franchise.

29% on Rotten Tomatoes for Chronicles is criminally underrated I think, critics were far too harsh on it. This is a far better sci-fi sequel than say Alien: Covenant which has a 65% rating on Rotten Tomatoes. Oh well, hopefully we still get a fourth film one day when Diesel is done with his cash cow Fast & Furious franchise.



It's a way above average science fiction/fantasy movie in every way. Great world building and mythology creation.

I would have almost liked a prequel that explained the Necromonger origin story.


I love this movie, but objectively it tries to do too much in 2 hours. There's too many new characters, and all of them are significant, so it makes it really important to absorb every detail. Modern attention spans just don't deal well. Plus, some of the characters have significant back stories, but you wouldn't know it unless you also watched Dark Fury, which being a 30 minute animated feature limited its exposure. There was also backstory for Riddick from the 2 video games, Escape From Butcher Bay and Dark Athena. It's too much to expect viewers to be hip to all of that.

My favorite thing about this is the world building, which is incredible. All the different locations designed here were all amazing. The Ice Moon, Crematoria, the mobile civilization of the Necromongers. This movie showed galactic living.


Basically it's because the Director's Cut wasn't the version show in theaters. The extra scenes in the DC help flesh out the world/mythos and would help Joe Six Pack (the intended target audience) understand what was going on.

That and it was the polar opposite of Pitch Black, which was grittier and far smaller B-movie horror fare derived from all the cool kids like Alien. This would have upset fans who were expecting more space Western horror rather than lavish space opera fare. But hey, Riddick (2013) is for everyone wanting a Pitch Black rehash.

Everyone else is eagerly waiting Furya, which apparently is lower priority than Fast and Furious XXVII.


I really enjoyed it, as well as Pitch Black. I loved the sets and the visual stuff. It has good rewatch value. In fact, now that it's in my mind, I might suggest to my husband that we rewatch it with the teens this weekend.


It was ok. I like the Riddick character. I just preferred the SciFi/Horror that Pitch Black was.
