next sequel?

will there be a 4th sequel?



there should be a next sequel, and it should have something to do with chris tucker coming back from rehab, that'd be a funny movie, although chris prolly wouldn't do it




If it was actually to be called last friday, it should be a prequel to the first friday.


Mabye they should make a movie called Saturday. The reason Chris Tucker didn't want to do the other fridays was because of the money and he didn't want to play a drug dealer.


Yo, I've just begun to gather ideas for a spoofing of the Friday trilogy, calling it Saturday. So I don't think the next Friday movie should be called Saturday cuz then I'd have to call my spoof idea Sunday. I think there is not going to be a fourth friday cuz what kind of title would the movie be called? The only ones I can come up with is Next Friday After Next, or The Following Firday After Next(sounds horrible doesn't it?) But if there was to be a Friday 4,I think it should be a lot better than Next Friday and Friday After Next.



Notice i did not put last friday refering to a prequal

heres some stupid suggestions *Friday coming* *Friday Gone* *Friday 4* *Another Friday* * Friday Friday Friday Friday* AHAAHA sorry just had to put that one up.

Well the first two are decent suggestions thats if Cube and CO are doing the next sequal/prequal.

W a H

"All I Need Is One Mic"


If they do another one, they should at least see if Tucker would do a cameo or something. Just one scene with him would improve the film ten fold.


or they can call it the friday after the one before the next one! lol, wouldn't that be funny??? ghetto, but funny.


1 day til you-know-what!!!!!



2 Fridays later

Last Friday (if this were made it should be a prequel)

Final Friday of the Month

Friday Again

Next Friday after the third Friday (no, sounds pretty bad)

there's a variety of names to call it, though some titles aren't that good.


I wouldnt put it past anyone to make another Friday movie. Only the first Friday was anywhere close to what critics would call good (they didn't but that's critics for you). I loved all three though, stupid comedies or not.

If I had to name a 4th Friday I think I would call it Friday after last...

Maybe not.... The Final Friday.... no that's to hollywood.

Try Friday again.... no that's just dumb.

Well whatever they call it I hope the bring back everyone from all the previous and make it a huge ensemble. It would be very funny to see Craig, Smokey, and Day-Day on a crazy Friday together.


Another Friday would be the only choice.


Hm, no one thought of this?

"Friday After That"


What about Friday the 13th? I always thought that'd be a great name for sequel for any of the Friday movies. Hell yeah.. Oh, wait a minute...


On the dvd, if you watch all the extra stuff, they said something about another Friday. It was of Craig's parents or one of them saying something like "Craig has to get married sometime." And the deal with Chris Tucker, he don't want to do R Rated movies no more cause he got tired of kids comming up to him and saying stuff like "You got knocked the f*ck out"


That isn't the only reason. Tucker's rejected over $100 million in movie deals over the last 3-5 years. After he's done with Rush Hour 3, he's using his money to go over to Africa to help the AIDS situation. I also heard a radio interview a year or two ago and he said, "He's matured out of films like Friday." -Pat


I think, like they said in some of the extras for the 2nd one..... there's alot of sh1te films being made, so as long as folk find them funny and the guys enjoy making the films..... they should just keep doing them!

I think there's also the whole aspect of young actors/actresses breaking through, this keeps it fresh all the time...



How bout "Final Friday"


how about "The End of the Month"?


Check this Bad Boy out, "A Couple Fridays From Now"
Heeeeellllllllll Yeahaaa!!!!!

I'ma kill all Y'all...



I don't think it's a matter of "selling out". Chris has announced that he no longer wanted to portray characters that perpetuate (negative) stereotypes. I know he was very funny in that role, but I think he's more critical about the image he presents, especially to today's youth. Me, personally, I applaud his efforts.

Besides, look at the salary he commands now.

If only he'd get a little bass in his voice. lol


I don't think the barbershop thing will continue long either. Barbershop was really good, and people liked that. But after the second one, I don't think people will want a third. I really never liked the idea of a second either. But on the DVD of Friday After Next, Ice Cube said as long as they kept coming up with original ideas he would continue to make more Friday movies, which to me sounds like a good idea.

"The man bought his b****, to da waffle hut!"


How about 'The Ultimate Friday'... Bring back Smokey n Debo then have Damon in it 2. That wud be dope.




How about, "This Friday"

Where he finally gets a chick, stays with her, all the old characters come back. Everybody is happy.

People try to think of a plot and post it on here!!!!

Maybe giving an idea would help Ice make another.
