Favorite Lines

Favorite lines from the movie:

"Don't be sorry hoe be careful!" (Money Mike)

"You can lead a hoe to water, but ya can't make her think." (Money Mike)

"I would have been a boxer, but I was in special education." (Dada)

"Shut up b****, I know somebody who like it." (Ms. Pearlie)

"Who the *beep* are you?" (Dada says to Elroy's girlfriend)

I know there are more. I let someone borrow the DVD!


you thought I was Play Pimping (Money Mike)


"All I want for christmas Santa is a fat bitch with a belt that say glitter on it"--(DayDay)


What are you doin in my house eating a big ol sandwich and sh*t



Hold Up Wait A Minute, Let Me Put Some Pimpin` In it ! - Money Mike


My Dick is bigger than yours- MR. Jones
It was col that night- Uncle Elroy


Hey can't talk to these ol' a$$ ladies like that. (Craig 2 Day Day)

Craig: you heard what happened to the last security guards
Day Day: you didn't even hear what happened to the last security guards...so how the *beep* am i gon' hear it.

ill be back when i think of more cuz there are so many.



why don't you get that lined up @#tch......Craig to Mrs Pearly



"We're top flight security of the World, Craig! Not just the city, the World, Craig!"


Merry Christmas Nuggha! - Pinky


I want everybody to get back there is going to be ball juice everywhere. (Money Mike)


Craig: Clothes don't make the playa, the playa makes the clothes. Rent-a-cops get p***y too.

Uncle Elroy: I oughta hit you in your ass and give you brain damage.

Mrs. Pearly: Either I'm gettin' my rent money today, or somebody gettin' their salad tossed tonight!

Damon: Yo homie...You ever been to the pen?
Money Mike: Hell no, but thanks for asking. Won't bother asking you though.


I especially like when Miss Pearly approaches Craig and DayDay when the cops leave... lmao

"You #beep# been duckin' and dodgin' me for about three weeks now. It's time for you mutha-#beep" to kick in"

"I don't need no army mister smart#@#"

- - - - - - - - - -

" I hear they call you Big Willie"

" Let'em through let him through. I'm gonna sue your #@$. Come on, cut me, cut me!"

"Its Pinky Nugg-hah, I got to go pee-pee"

" Dodo you on crack, buddy"

" The freaks come out at night, what what what, the freaks come out at night"

"He gonna do something strange to us"
"dont worry I'll think of something. he might do something strange to you though"

"Your are un-armed security, big tough guys, you don't need all these gidgets gadgets."




Dada (to the 3 women): You hoes can't be selling booty out here on the street in the name of God.

Dada (to Mrs. Pearly): You alright with your son being a fag?


You just got knocked the *beep* OUT!!!!




"speaking of cockroaches where were your atennas..." LOLOLO


You just got knocked the *beep* OUT!!!!


"I'm Santa Cluaus n**** where da *beep* da milk and cookies at?!"


* Craig Tell yo fine daddy I said Haaaaaaey! (Ms. pearlie)

* You always comming down here smelling like wolf P*$$y (Dada)

* Im gone go down ta the club; Get me some wallets,lighters, some Car keys (Santa)

* Might wanna shave later; Might wanna Shave somebody else hee hee. (Money Mike)

* That N*gga look Magicaly Delicious (Damon)

* Wake up! I like my fish wet and sqirmy! (Damon)
* Did you just pee on Me. (Money Mike)




"i mean business..BOOM..(reloads)..RESPECT MY GANGSTA!


"All i want Santa Claus, is two fat bitches and a bag of weed and two bag of chips to give to the fat bitches" (DayDay dreaming in beginning)

"The only quality of money is quantity"


Cop: Was this a black guy?
Day-DAy: No it was a n**** that did this.


"Man he don't look like no reindeer, he look like a pitbull, gitty up pitbull." Bad boy 1

"You better stop jumping up and down before I have to bite your lil a$$!" Elroy

"Can you lock your jaws and shake like a pitbull?" Bad Boy 1

"Yeah want me to show you!" Elroy

"Ahhhh." Bad Boy 1


day-day :: "We just got robbed chico"

Craig :: It's Small in here"
day-day :: "Yeah, well you big in here"

day-day :: "I cant even do the james brown in these tight ass pants"

girl carring laundry :: "Ya'll look like a couple of rent-a-cops"
Craig :: "How Bout them Rent-a-titties!"

Pinky :: "It's Pink Nuhhgga"

Pinky :: "Didnt i tell you to drive safer! ever since you hit that retarded boy with that *beep* up walk"


*Stop Reading My Signature*


"Don't be sorry hoe be helpful!"

Money Mike had a bunch of'em but this was easily my favorite line in the movie.

"Don't tell me to 'Be cool'. I AM COOL!"


"Give me two glazed donuts.....and hold the flies!"


mines gotta be when craig was trying to tell grandma jones who he was he said:

"hey grandma its craig the smart one, not day day."

Some Fat Kid Ate My Signature


Damon: tupac tupac damn you!!


Craig: What the hell you doing in my house. Eating a big ass sandwitch?

Day Day: All i want Santa Cluas is two fat bitches and some chips so i can give the chips to the 2 fat bitches.

Mrs Pearle: How much do you love your son?
Mr. Jones: Not that much, i have my own troubles to deal with.


Money Mike: This ain't the baby Gap.

Day Day: Why don't you give me a flashlight so i can go over thier to that dumspter where that hoe is giving that guy a blowjob?

Craig: grandma, its me the smart grandson.

I'll think of more later.


Money Mike~ "Where was yo antennas when them ni99as was stealin my sh!t."

Money Mike~ "Use ya eyes! They ain't just pose to be hazel. They pose to do some goddamn work round here."

Elroy~ "I started this barbecue sh!t, is this the *beep* thanks I get?"

Damon~ "Tupac, Tupac, goddamn you fine."

Day Day~ "We top flight security of the world Craig! Not the city, the world!"

Deleted Scene w/ Day Day and Mr. Johnson-
Mr. Johnson~ "I want you to change my ass. I been smellin like sh!t for the past 45 minutes. Where you been dumb dumb?"

Damon~ "That ni99a look magically delicious."

Craig~ "Day Day you can't be talkin to these old ass ladies like that."

Damon~ "Don't fight the sh!t, just let it happen."

Damon~ "Fresh fish on the line. Ain't nothin' like that sh!t."

Day Day~ "We just got robbed. They almost tied us up, *beep* us and robbed us."

Craig~ " You heard what happened to the last security guards."
Day Day~ "You ain't even hear so how the *beep* is I'm gone hear?"

Damon~ "Wake yo' bitch-ass up, lucky charms. I like my fish wet and squirmy."

Day Day~ " One of 'em said they was gone suck my dick from the back I ain't never had that happen to me, I'm trying to see what that be like."

Day Day~ " It ain't ya booty, it's ya beauty."

Day Day~ "Vi vo lotti, got mo' head than he got body."

Trust No Ni66a, Fear No Bitch!


Money Mike: Do you like music *beep* how about the NUTCRACKER you like him.
(Says it while squesszing Damon nuts with pillars)



Damon: Craig and Day-Day, just the ni99as i needa see"

Craig: Starch or press?
Damon: Starch ni99a

Mr. Johnson: Yeaaaaaaaaah boy *does that thing with his hands*


"Top flight security of the WORLD Craig! We got to keep the WORLD safe!"

"What the hell you doing in my house? Eating a big-ass sandwich and shi*t?!"
"Nig*ga I'm santa claus. Where the fu*ck the milk and cookies?!"


Guys go out with blondes but they marry the brunettes


i thought he said "beevo lotti"
