stayed away from it, since the original was so good, but..
I haven't read much hear about how it compares to the original. Here I was an innocent 16 year old kid, circa 1977, parents had showtime, which back then showed a lot of foreign kinky movies like Emanuel, etc and this movie came on late late at night one night. I couldn't believe what I was seeing, but, I loved it. made back in the 70's, with Italian communists having won elections in italy, I thought it was about the times then, the clash between communism and capitalism, the west and the soviets. then it became more about man vs woman and primeval survival, then they really seemed to fall in love, then the final ending when they were rescued. I thought it was fantastic, what a twist!
I love foreign films and when I read all the negative reviews of this version I thought no way could it be even close to the original. so do the people here who say it's not that bad, or even fairly good, have they even seen the original? I just can not see how it could be anything near as good. I can forgive bad acting, or over acting or trying to modernize it, but to me once you have seen an original Italian classic and loved it, why or how could any remake be worth watching? somebody out there who has seen the original and loved it, I challenge you to convince me to at least try watching this.
by the way I have nothing against madonna or her bad acting, but I just can not help but compare the two movies since the first one was so damn good.