the premise of the show is 3 greasy guys living in a trailer park, getting into scrapes to earn money, they have their relationships, friends, and they have their nemesis. being the authority either in the park or outside, lahey/police.
the problem is there are only so many weed jokes, so many scrapes that these guys can get into before it gets old.
they hate lahey, they help lahey, they hate him, they work with him. lucy loves ricky, she leaves him, she loves him, she leaves him.
7 seasons were enough of this great show, a film or two as well. season 9 and 10 are pretty much very poor versions of earlier seasons, same stories, same dynamics just told again in tired way.
you already can guess how ricky will mix up a sentence, or how the heist will go wrong.
everything has an expire date, and TPB was up years ago. these last 2 or 3 seasons have ruined the reputation of a ground breaking tv show.