Am I the only person who actually liked Neil?
I was reading that the intent and goal was to have the Neil Godwin character be as unlikable as Chris Finch, I did not see it this way at all. When we first meet Neil in the start of season 2, he is quite affable and polite to David; when the staff are all called to assemble in the meeting room, Neil showed David respect for having the chair layout ready for the introduction meeting. Also, when David gives his cringeworthy speech/joke routine, Neil's non-verbal reaction seems to convey that he is a bit puzzled by what David is doing yet still conveys that form of respect towards him. Neil does not start being a prick until after David has disrespected him in a public setting more than once in addition to David not getting his work in order for the office.
The thing that always jumps out at me is the fact that Neil has heard in the past how David is a goof who frankly sucks at being a manager, yet Neil still gives the dude multiple oppurtunities to prove or disprove what he has heard about David from other sources. I liked Neil, definitely seemed like a professional and fair guy all around.