MovieChat Forums > The Office (2003) Discussion > tim is really mean and stuck up. really ...

tim is really mean and stuck up. really hard to watch

i really hate how tim plays so many pranks on gareth. gareth actually seems like a really nice guy. when gareth gets a phone call from his friends, or when his friends came to visit, tim looks at the camera as if to say 'gareth is an idiot'. gets really annoying. tim will play jokes on gareth, get rather loud doing it interrupting the whole office yet that one time gareth got that talking cop/cookie jar thing and was having a little fun it looked like he was going to die or something because it was so terrible.

it was funny seeing tim get grabbed by all those guys at the dance bar and they took his shoe. he was so mad yet if people did that to gareth i bet he'd join in and laugh. he's a pretty rude guy. like how that chubby guy was talking to him and he just looks at the camera like he's so much better than the guy. plus he bugs gareth all day along with dawn yet when that pregnant woman sat by him and would try talking to him once again he was so rude.

he's a prick and almost hate the show because of it


"i really hate how tim plays so many pranks on gareth. gareth actually seems like a really nice guy."

What's nice about Gareth? (The one who thinks crippled people should have pins stuck in their legs to see if they're really qualified to claim a disability allowance.)

What's nice about the pregnant woman? (The one who tricked someone at Disneyland Paris into believing her son was terminally ill so she wouldn't have to wait in a queue to go on Space Mountain. And possibly jump ahead of children who really were terminally ill.)

I say Tim is great.


well i'm not saying gareth and the pregnant woman are perfect. at least they don't try to act better than everyone else. i respect your opinion of them though.


Getting his own back on Gareth is how Tim manages to get some job satisfaction. Let's not pretend that Gareth isn't a power-hungry toady drunk on his own self-importance, let alone deeply intolerant at times. Imagine working with someone like that every week for years on end.

Now if we're handing out douchebag awards, then his American counterpart, Jim, is much more deserving. From what I've seen, he's selfish and downright cruel to Dwight. I don't remember Tim destroying Gareth's property or outright assaulting him! It doesn't help that Dwight seems slightly less obnoxious than Gareth, if a little harder to believe as a character.


I think Tim is much more likable than Jim. Tims breakup with Rachael was much better done than Jims breakup of Karen and Katy. He was totally ignorant to them

No offense, but you're an idiot.


Tim put down the working class, showing that he's a complete snob, yet he lived with his parents and only went to college for one year. His pranks were mostly just childish ways to get Gareth to sound or appear gay. Say what you will about Jim, but at least he was creative when he took the piss. I liked Tim, but he was a prick.


Tim put down the working class, showing that he's a complete snob

That was clearly tongue-in-cheek. It's very likely his own background is working class.



No offense; but you're the idiot. The guy you replied to said JIM was worst. Then you went off at him and confirmed JIM was the worst. Well done.

"When you do things right, people won't be sure you've done anything at all."


No offense; but you're the idiot. The guy you replied to said JIM was worst. Then you went off at him and confirmed JIM was the worst. Well done.

It was my old signature


That's obviously his signature. You need to get used to how comments are structured on IMDB.


"It hurts, doesn't it? Being in pain." - Daredevil, a lawyer, 2015


"I say Tim is great."

What's so great about Tim? The one who is the sanctimoniuous unfunny bitch always looking for attention, moron?


What, gone off Dawn now have you?


The Office is awesome, but that said, pretty much all the main characters are self-serving and unlikeable. For the most part, that's the joke.

Tim, who is introduced as a sort of long-suffering voice of sanity, is no exception. I thought he was a fkn pr*ck personally.

Not sticking up for Gareth in any way shape or form, however.

Oh yeah, and the pregnant woman: I thought she was fit. Obnoxious, but fit.


Whoever say Tim is mean, a prick etc., while Gareth is okay, or the pregnant woman is a good person etc., are missing the point, and shouldn't watch The Office at all. It's not for them. They don't get it as a whole. The creators would be ashamed.

You almost hate the show because you don't understand it. You can only enjoy certain jokes of it.

Tim portrays the archetype of nice guy, Gareth the likeable childish idiot, the pregnant woman the unlikeable selfish idiot.


"...and shouldn't watch The Office at all. It's not for them. They don't get it as a whole. The creators would be ashamed."

Are you kidding me, you semi-literate dipstick?

These things are matters of opinion, not ultimate truths for you to preside over.


"Tim portrays the archetype of nice guy"

Except he is NOT a nice guy. I'm sure I wouldn't like you either if I knew you personally.


maybe they meant "nice guy" in inverted commas.
I'm surprised that there's not been a comment about how he asked out Dawn when she was still engaged to Lee. Twice.
While Lee, like Gareth, can also come across as a d**k and the audience are wondering what Dawn sees in him or why she's with him, that's completely Dawn's call to make.
He's lucky Lee didn't destroy him. Maybe that's what happens shortly after the cameras stop rolling.


"Maybe that's what happens shortly after the cameras stop rolling."

I really hope so.


Tim is basically an underachiever, he admits that himself. He has got himself into a dead end spot and doesn't have the guts to do anything about it. Gareth may be a bit of a tosser but he feels a lot more at see with himself. One thing that really bugs me about Tim is how he is always having a go at Gareth being in the territorial army ( the reserve army I guess as I'm not British ). At least Gareth is doing something to try and protect his nation, Tim does nothing but have a go at others while doing nothing with his own life.



I don't think it's because of things like Gareth being in the territorial army. It's Gareth being so over the top proud of it and thinking he's some kind of expert on all things military.


I actually think Tim is the worst character on the show because he constantly mocks and pranks people, but acts like he so much funnier and better than the rest. Yes, he is what makes the show cringeworthy and unwatchable. I hate him.


Garreth seemed like the arrogant one, at times, for kind of silly, childish reasons.

One of my favorite scenes with Garreth is when he's talking to the IT guy, and the IT guy keeps one upping and correcting him over things Garreth thinks he's somewhat expert about.


Gareths just a Div,he can't really help it and he's harmless.

Tim was sly. I never liked him i think he was written as the good guy 'normal' one but if you ever heard Steven Merchant for 5 minutes and even Gervais when with Karl they see themselves as intellectuals above normal people and are rather snide and snarky about them. That comes out through Tim for me


I think Tim just heard Gareth brag about things like his superior knowledge of military aircraft too often. It was too much. He had to do something to stay sane. LOL.


Oh don't understand me wrong Garteth was annoying as fuck. No way could i stand him.

But Tim is portrayed as the nice guy when he had a snidely side to him i found him more irritating overall than Gareth on the show
