MovieChat Forums > X2 (2003) Discussion > Why's it so popular to hate the first tw...

Why's it so popular to hate the first two Singer films?

I get complaints about later installments (sometimes) but both this and XMEN (2000) are still pretty solid.


I agree. "X-Men" and "X2" are good, solid, action-packed superhero films.

I mean, I despise Bryan Singer, but I can't deny that he made some damn good movies here.


It is? Hmm... I doubt it.

X2 has always been regarded as one of the best X-Men films (for years it was considered the best installment in the series) and superhero films in general. Last I checked it remains a favorite among a number of fans. Sure, while Singer’s involvement with the franchise might now turn some people away from these films, I have yet to see the acclaimed X-Men films he directed become more unpopular and get a bad rap.

So putting aside the usual online critics/naysayers, the only real common complaints I see regarding the first two installments have to do, not with the quality of the films themselves, but the way some characters were handled/portrayed. Furthermore, the X-Men films that I continue to see get hated on by many (as opposed to loud but small voices online) are the ones that are legitimately considered mediocre/poor films, e.g. The Last Stand, Origins, Apocalypse. Granted the first X-Men is seen as dull by some (I get that), however it has never received anywhere near the hate the likes of The Last Stand or Origins get.

At any event, for me it seems that Days of Future Past is (rightfully) generally considered the strongest X-Men film these days (at least the one that features all the core members). And guess what... that one was directed by none other than Singer. Things went completely downhill after X2? With The Last Stand and Origins, yes. Afterwards? I, and many others, seriously beg to differ. As much as I like X2, I gotta say films like First Class & Days of Future Past, which are much more powerful films, took the franchise to new heights.


Really? Typically, the first two Synger films are considered some of the best comic movies ever. This is the first I'm hearing of this.


There's an increasingly vocal anti-Foxmen faction in some circles that despises anything not owned by Disney.


Haven't seen it. I do think the franchise went downhill after X2 and, in my opinion, never fully recovered except for the Deadpool flicks and Logan. I'm happy the franchise is going to Marvel.


I haven't seen it either. I'm sorry, but the opening minutes of X2 with Nightcrawler attacking the White House is superhero genre GOLD. And I still get chills in the first X-Men with Jackman as Wolverine, from the first unsheathing of the claws though the "you're a dick" line.

My only complaints in those movies are Rogue and the "You know what happens to a toad when it's hit by lightning" line.

But hell, I can't even hate on X3 as much as the rest of the world seems to.


"The same thing that happens to everything else," LOL! 🤣


Which, amazingly, after all the writers and script revisions and reworking....was an original script line put in there BY Singer and no one said "You know....that kind of sucks".


Just ignore them.


One of them happens to be Doug Walker. He's been reviewing the original trilogy lately. Wouldn't had guessed but that's disappointing.


Although I find them entertaining the complaints I have are Rogue and too much focus on Wolverine. Rogue wasn't at all the badass character she was in the comics and cartoons. Also Wolverine got way too much screentime. Nobody else on the team got as much of a chance to shine. Nightcrawler was cool though.


Oh goody, another thing to hate about X3 complete disregard and omission of Nightcrawler, he was SO DAMN GOOD in X2. FFS.


Yeah. To be honest though it's becasue the actor who played Nightcrawler didn't want to do the role again cause the makeup was uncomfortable.


I have never seen anything that would indicate that hating the first two was "popular."

X2: 9/10
First Class: 9/10
Logan: 8.5/10
Deadpool: 8/10
The Wolverine: 7.9/10
X1: 7.5/10
Deadpool2: 6/10
DoFP: 5.5/10
Apoc: 3.5/10
Origins: 3/10
X3: 2/10


Who directed Apocalypse? That movie was a mess. The whole opening sequence was a ridiculous over-use of CGI. Heck, we talk so much about CGI, I've almost forgot what it stands for. Computer Generated Imagining?
OK, so after the movie got rolling, I suppose it was alright, but the beginning made me wish I was either in a theater or watching a different movie entirely. J Law does not a movie make for me.


I liked X-Men: Apocalypse. It was good in my opinion.


Cool. Thanks for responding. I don't follow superhero movies, and only stumble on them on TV. I ended up really liking the Wolverine character and Patrick Stewart and all the early X-movies and I kinda like James McAvoy, but I try to take a step back from being a fan boy. The whole beginning of Apocalypse took me aback, but it may not be a bad film overall.


I've always felt the second X-Men film to be my favourite and the best of the series, when not including Logan and the Deadpool films.

For some reason I've never fully got into the modern X-Men films with the younger cast. Days of Future Past comes closest but I lose interest in the second half of that film. Maybe it has to do with Stewart and McKellen. They bring a level of class to things.


I didn't know it was so popular to hate the first two Singer films.
