MovieChat Forums > X2 (2003) Discussion > This is still the best X-Men film.

This is still the best X-Men film.

The whole time travel thing in DOFP was a lame reboot/retcon, whatever you want to call it, of the series in my opinion. X2 was the best and most original of the series.


I agree that this is the best x-men film, I like the cast of characters and the performances. Plus, there are some great memorable lines!



Just saw X2 on the spike network after seeing that abomination of xmen apocalypse.

the original cast were much much better.

Definitely the best x men movie so far


X-Men Apocalypse was the worst X-Men movie I've seen. I haven't watched Wolverine Origins though.


Yeah the original cast was superior. I would have loved for that cast to make more films, add Gambit, and develop Rogue into the character she became in the source material. Stewart and Mckellan were perfect in their roles too.

A real shame they dumped the cast and decided to go the prequel route. X3 The Last Stand is really to blame. Had that movie gone better, there likely would have been several more X-Men movies done right.


To me it is First Class but Magneto is my favorite character and Fassbender is a wayy better Magneto.


It all has to do with Bryan Singer absence from the third film that made the final installment a poor one.


First Class is my favorite but X2 is a close second. Still really like both movies.


DOFP is still my favorite but this a close second.

Lose the Game!!!!!!!


No even close - Days of Future Past 1st, X-Men 2nd, this may be third if Apocalypse is as bad as many say

'Well I've got two words for you - STFU'


As far as I'm concerned, X-Men: DOFP is the best crafted CBM ever made. After DOFP, for X-Men movies, I would put X-Men: Apocalypse and then, X2. XMA is criminally underrated.

Get off your soapbox while I play you a tune on the tiniest violin.


This was my favorite for many years, but recently The Wolverine and Days of Future Past have somewhat relegated it.

Certainly from the original trilogy it takes everything for the first movies that needed fine tuning to improve on it, while setting things up for a epic sequal/finale, which unfortunately fails to deliver.
