Not enough Sasha Peralto.

Sasha Peralto is a goddess, a gorgeous young woman with such an adorable face. She's almost easily the hottest piece of ass in this flick, surpassing even Tera Patrick (who in this movie, for some reason, doesn't look quite as hot as she usually does), so it's disappointing she's only in one scene and it's frustratingly intercut with scenes of Renee Rea, who's definitely very cute but no match for Sasha.


Yeah, Sasha deserved more on screen time.
She's a godess. But Renee Rea was also great and hot.

"Hate is baggage, life's too short to be pissed off all the time".


Yeah, I have to be fair to Renee Rea, as she's also really hot and she did shine in this flick. It's a definite must see for her fans, and that threesome scene with Brandy Davis took my breath away. In fact, the first time I watched this flick, I only lasted until that threesome scene since it was so hot I had to take a break before finishing the rest of the film.

Being a Sasha fan, it's just hard to believe the filmmakers would only use her for one scene and she looked so damn gorgeous in this flick! Still, for my Sasha fix, there's always Staying on Top, where she really stole the show from Holly Sampson and Angela Davies.

If I had to rate their respective looks in this film:
Sasha Peralto
Face - 10+/10
Breasts - 10/10
Butt - 10/10
Abs - 10/10
Overall - 10/10

Renee Rea
Face - 9/10
Breasts - 8/10
Butt - 8/10
Abs - 8/10
Overall - 8.5/10


I like Renee, but I have to agree, she absolutely pales in comparison to Sasha Peralto. Sasha is much prettier and has the far better body. Her face and breasts are perfection! They both have a sex scene with the same guy in this flick and the guy has a noticeably massive erection in his scene with Sasha but none with Renee.
