
who is your favorite villain in the dune books????.

I have a lot but one who is high on my list is BARON VLADIMIR HARKONNEN.

Because he still caused the Atreides pain and sorrow while he was DEAD.
If you spirit could come back to haunt the good guys then you are a big baddie.

But let me know what's your favorite villain in the dune books.


The Baron's definitely good at being bad, but, Feyd didn't filch in being evil and he almost got away with it, too.

Schwangyu was pretty evil too, for a BG.


Cool thread!

The Baron's pretty high on my list, and Kenneth McMillan's portrayal of the Baron in Lynch's version used to scare me pretty badly (hey, I was a kid! Although that killing scene on Geidi Prime still makes me uneasy, but I guess that's the point, right? Big baddie alert!).

But I also want to add my two cents, so I'll add the Great Honored Matre in Chapterhouse: Dune (don't think she actually said what her name was, she's the one who captures and ultimately kills Lucilla).

And yeah, Schwangyu was a meanie! =D

