MovieChat Forums > Children of Dune (2003) Discussion > Dune fans stay FAR away!! This series is...

Dune fans stay FAR away!! This series is BAAAAD ( spoilers )

It continues to boggle my mind as to why so many fans of the books continue to be in denial about the Dune TV series. This series is such poorly executed mess of bad acting and horrible, HORRIBLE production that it makes Lynch's Dune look like a masterpiece. It's like a joke. It's a pure sci-fi channel cliche sweaty pile of turd. It will make you embarassed to be a Dune fan I promise. ( spoilers below )

Ok, now for the fans of this series, their main argument is that the two series are more faithful to the books. This could not be farther from the truth. At the end of the book Children of Dune, when Leto returns to confront Alia, a huge fight ensues, Leto attacks her guards with a palace door he rips off the hinges, swings Alia around by the ankle, and attempts to force her to submit until the Baron takes over her body and forces her to commit suicide by throwing herself out of the window. In the series however, leto arrives to confront Alia, the two have a bitter royal typical accusatory exchange of words until the Baron takes over alia and forces her to commit suicide by stabbing herself with a Crysknife. Ok, call this nitpicking if you want but that alone is proof that this series is not faithful to the books. I can accept that they didn't have all the fighting because it's made for TV and they couldn't afford the effects, which is why they shouldn't have done it at all. This series should not exist. I mean why would they blatently change the way she dies? It makes no sense





I can't blame the artistic team behind this production. All the actors and crew clearly worked their BUTTS off for something they believe in. And that deserves respect. And YOU try acting with a green screen and see how it works out.

Two of the more silly arguments I've ever seen. First, "Well they tried realllll hard". BFD if the outcome sux. While losers whine about trying hard, winners go home and f>bleep<k the prom queen.

Second, "you try it" argument is silly beyond belief.
- I've never been president, but I know when we have an idiot in the white house.
- I've never cooked a four star dinner, but I know when the meat is rancid.
- I've never bottled wine, but I know when one has turned.
- I can't build a car, but I know when one is broken down.
- I'll never direct, act in, or work on a Movie, but I can sure as h311 tell that these two suxed.


Obviously the adaptation was going to be flawed with only 5 hours for 2 books.

But you absolutely cannot complain about the acting, the acting is fantastic, they simply didn't waste money on the biggest names, the Actress playing Alia in this blew me away.

"It's not about money.... It's about sending a Message..... Everything Burns!!!"



" Alia around by the ankle, and attempts to force her to submit until the Baron takes over her body and forces her to commit suicide by throwing herself out of the window"

No, Alia regains control of her body for the first time and kills herself, knowing she has become possessed.

