Just saw this movie on TV - Ian was a jerk to Daphne closer to the end there. He should have been more understanding and supportive. I mean she just met her dad for the first time and she's trying to be what he wants her to be. Give the girl a break! So she forgot some concert...get over it dude.
Never under any circumstances take a sleeping pill and a laxative on the same night. Dave Barry
yeah he was a bit of a jerk for a while there lol. I just watched this movie again,it's my guilty pleasure.I usually HATE movies like this but for some reason if I see it on while channel surfing I have to watch it.Seen it like 3 times so far and I'm a grown woman. It's corny and predictable but totally lovable and I think Amanda is adorable in it.
I am the same way kelly5882000 - I am grown (well, 22) and I like this movie - mostly for Colin Firth, haha.
I think Ian was nice for most of the movie, I just felt he should have been a little more understanding and stop giving her crap about being the "real you", and then basically abandoning her for a little while, just because she didn't act the way he thought she should. Very jerky, and kind of hypocritical. I mean, it's stressful enough meeting your dad for the first time but on top of that he's running for freakin prime minister, haha (such a silly story when you think about it). Anyway, at least he came around at the end there.
Never under any circumstances take a sleeping pill and a laxative on the same night. Dave Barry
I actually found him incredibly cheesy. Any other dude saying his "sweet lines" would get an immediate eye-roll. Yet he still gets every singing gig in London.
You know, I'm watching this movie right now on MTV (again) and wow, I forgot what a jerk Ian really is. I mean, seriously, get over yourself, dude. He keeps talking to her about "the real you" and "call me when the real Daphne inhabits your body," etc. Seriously, wtf? He's known her for at most a couple of weeks at this point and has spent a few hours with her and thinks he can tell her about what the "real" her is? Jerk.
I was under the same impression as CaptHayfever. I thought it was probably the latest in a string of forgotten/cancelled dates. Although, he definitely could have reacted better and been more understanding.
Once upon a time there was a magical place where it never rained. The end.
I agree. If as some people are saying, we're supposed to assume she's stood him up more than this just one time, it still doesn't excuse his behavior. She went to England to find her father and try to connect with him, since she hadn't had him in her life. She meets Ian and made that all clear to him. She was out of her element at first and as she told her father when she was leaving him at the ball, she would get dressed up every birthday and try to be good, thinking he would come for her if she was good. This was the same reason she decided to accept trying to change herself since she now had a chance with him and felt that was the way to please him. It wasn't merely to fit into that society. Ian made it all about himself and that was selfish. He'd already grown up in that environment to know exactly that he didn't want any part of it, she needed space to learn about it too. It is good that he obviously realized he was wrong like her father did since he was happy to travel with him to reunite with Daphne.