1) Inter-racial relationships strengthen the human gene pool
2) They increase inter-racial understanding and built cultural bridges
3) ...and the kids are so cute!
1) Inter-racial relationships strengthen the human gene pool
2) They increase inter-racial understanding and built cultural bridges
3) ...and the kids are so cute!
There is more diversity within a given race than outside it.
If you hate Jesus Christ and are 100% proud of it, copy this and make it your signature!
>> MysteryReaderReturns
>> There is more diversity within a given race than outside it.
Hmmm. What the hack are you saying?
Since "race" is based on genetic similarity, then mixing-it-up is going to make it more diverse. That just rudimentary biology.
But are you saying that the "races" have far more in common with each other than differences? This would be certainly true.
I put quotes around "race" because there is only one race -- the human race. The rest is minor, superficial differences.
BTW, I love Jesus Christ but I'm not always so crazy about his fan club.
No, race is not as clearly defined as it would seem. It's a cultural invention that leads to grouping of different people who share a combination of outward characteristics, ignoring their overall genetics. If it's all minor superficial differences, then let people be with who they want & stop promoting the myth that we all need to mix to promote diversity. Diversity is already present in the human population.
If you hate Jesus Christ and are 100% proud of it, copy this and make it your signature!
>> MysteryReaderReturns
>> If it's all minor superficial differences, then let people be with who they want & stop promoting the myth that we all need to mix to promote diversity.
I'm not saying that anyone _needs_ to "mix" -- just that its good if they do.
BTW: Your hatred of Jesus Christ strikes me as odd. Do you proudly hate Buddha, Confucius, Mohamed and the Dalai Lama, too? Or is it just Jesus?
"then let people be with who they want"
You seem to have it backwards... I don't think anyone who supports interracial relationships believes that everyone should be forced to marry outside their ethnic group - I'm just against the mentality that people should be restricted to *only* finding love within their particular ethnic group because of family pressures.
it's the human species, not race. look it up.
share1) Can't pretend I care much about the human gene pool.
2) Well, sometimes. They're still rare enough that I don't think they do anything on a macro scale, actually. And as often as not, the lucky couple ends up getting $h!t from one or both sides of the family who think they've got a weird fetish, or that they're acting too good for their peers, or whatever. It's more about culture than race nowadays, but you know how much the two overlap.
Not that I'm discouraging these relationships... as far as I'm concerned, marry whoever you want and ___k all the family members who feel that way. I just think you're overestimating the impact these relationships have on society.
3) True! Though pretty much all kids look cute to me. (Then again, I've never had one wake me up at two in the morning bawling).
Keep flying, son. And watch that potty mouth!
Hmmm. What the hack are you saying?
Since "race" is based on genetic similarity, then mixing-it-up is going to make it more diverse. That just rudimentary biology.
But are you saying that the "races" have far more in common with each other than differences? This would be certainly true.
I think what he meant is that genetic differences happen between individuals, not "races" as a whole. For example, you can easily get two white people who are more genetically different than a white guy and a black guy. On a biological level, "race" as human society defines it truly doesn't matter much if at all.
Keep flying, son. And watch that potty mouth!
"They're still rare enough that I don't think they do anything on a macro scale, actually."
Are they really that rare? What do you consider a race to be? Most African Americans have some white and native ancestry, in addition to having many different African ethnic groups among their ancestors. Most Native Americans have various tribes in their lineage, and many also have white or black heritage. With European Americans, the longer the family has lived in the country, the more likely they are to be mixed - Whether it be English with German, Irish with Italian, or even a random African or Cherokee ancestor. I'd guess that the majority of Americans can trace their ancestry back to more than one ethnic group, and it's probably the same in Canada too.
yeah, but then we'll end up looking all the same in coupla 100 years, seems kinda boring to me..
share>> windowlicker269 on Tue Jun 15 2010 11:44:45
>> yeah, but then we'll end up looking all the same in coupla 100 years, seems kinda boring to me..
Genetics don't work that way.
Race mixing give MORE genetic diversity, not less.
Blue/green eyes blonde hair won't be around in 200 years time, so that means everyone will have black/brown hair, black/brown eyes and (light) brown skin. So how would you call that diverse?
"even most Scandinavians lie about their hair color. "
huh? mm let's not even adress that..
what would you call 'diversity' then? After all, on the inside we're suppposed to be all the same right:)
but you are right about the brown mess. What is Africa and its horrors today will be the world tomorrow
share>> windowlicker269 on Mon Sep 6 2010 05:39:37
>> but you are right about the brown mess. What is Africa and its horrors today will be the world tomorrow
Wowwie wow wow! You have one primitive view of genetics.
It's bizarre for me to even consider that the spread of a certain skin color also spreads the original continent it came from.
>> windowlicker269 on Mon Jul 12 2010 03:25:13
>> Blue/green eyes blonde hair won't be around in 200 years time, so that means everyone will have black/brown hair, black/brown eyes and (light) brown skin.
You honestly believe that? Heck, in two hundred years, parents might be able to request hair and eye color!
But, your comment helps me understand you better. I think a lot of racism is driven by feeling threatened.
The biggest problem we are facing in the future is overpopulation of this planet. The most children are being born in the poorest countries (Africa), To acknowledge this fact is being racist? Man, do don't have to do a lot to get called out a racist these days.. I'm wondering what your view is on this overpopulation problem we're facing.
shareNot to mention...I mean, come on, yo! This is the twenty-first century we are talking about, after slavery, witch burnings, mass forced exodus of Jews from most all European countries has taken place. Who the heck really knows what they started out being racially even one or two centuries ago, anyway?
No argument here