Question on a song?

I've seen Braceface tv spots on either the ABC Family channel or the Disney channel where there's a song that plays. I don't really know what the name of it is. It goes something like, "la la la la la la la la la la....etc." It just keeps chanting that in a female voice or something. It's an upbeat song and I also think it use to play on the advertisements for the Disney channels original movie Double Teamed. If anyone knows of the singer or the song, please let me know.



No. It used to play during Braceface promos on ABCfamily, which, was then, FOXfamily channel. Anyway, it also use to play during the "behind-the-scenes" promo on the disney channel for their original movie Double Teamed.

I mean it is bad. Ya know. Like bad as in bad. Like, I'm bad, Jamal, you know it. -Elvira, M.O.T.D.
