What happened to Shreeky's parents?
What do you all think happened to Shreeky's parents? I intenially thought they were dead, but the more I thought about it, I think they are still alive. Here is what I think happened.
They just gave up on her, and sent her to live with No Heart who I doubt is really her uncle. I can't imagine No Heart have siblings or cousins or any relatives of any kind,I think one day No Heart meet them, saw how mean Shreeky was acting, took a liking to her attitude, her parents notice thatand saw their opportunity to get rid of her.
I know that sounds cruel the idea of parents just giving up, especially for something like the Care Bears world, but it happened over 30 times in the movie Problem Child. It adds real motivation to Shreeky besides just make uncle No Heart happy.
Another possibility, is No Heart used his powers to make the parents give him the bratty child.