MovieChat Forums > The Care Bears (1986) Discussion > The new Care Bears suck sh it.

The new Care Bears suck sh it.

The new Care Bears are disgraceful. Why do they always have to change everything? I was so delighted to see that they were bringing the Care Bears back for a new generation to treasure, but they just totally screwed them up. Why change their colours and tummy symbols? Why introduce new bears with inane names? Why use sh itty new computer animation?


Because it's what the companies do when they bring back old cartoons. They change everything. Everything is in CG and they modernize it because they think that little kids won't notice. And they're right. Little kids don't know any better.

Care Bears
Strawberry Shortcake
My Little Pony

All did the same thing. All are complete crap. And kids watch them!

The companies are cashing in the fact that these kids parents grew up on these shows and want our children to enjoy them as well. So why not use unoriginal ideas that are pure profit? Just because it's crap? Kids won't know they're crap until years later. Took me a long time to realize that a lot of cartoons suck and I still remember the one that was such crap that I knew right away it was crap. Little Mermaid 2. Pure crap and was the launch of other sequels that were also complete crap.
