I Loved this Show!

No ones going to respond to this, but when I was a kid I used to watch this. I really liked it and I still remember one episode where he James Bond Jr. drives out of a large museum-looking building in a red convertible just as it explodes.



i loved this show too when i was a kid, i was wondering if you knew the words to the theme song?


Haha I watched it when I was younger, haven't seen it in ages though. I came across the words to the theme song...

(BOND, James Bond Jr)
No one can stop him but S.C.U.M. always tries,
Young Bond cuts through each web of spies,
He learned the game from his Uncle James,
Now he's there to remain, James Bond (BOND, James Bond Jr)

Look out he's comin' through,
He's gotta job to do,
While he rescues the girl,
James Bond Jr chases S.C.U.M,
(James Bond Jr chases S.C.U.M)
Around the World.






You do not know how relieved I feel, to see this message board!!! I thought I was the only person in the world that actually watched and enjoyed this show! James Bond Jr. IS the greatest show ever, I don't know why it got cancelled. Some of the ideas in certain episodes were good enough to make a movie out of. Speaking of which, just between us, guys, I'm writing a script based on the show. And I promise it'll be better than James Bond. And since James Bond Jr. and his friends were teenagers, it'll be relatable too. Before you say anything, it's NOTHING like "Agent Cody Banks" since I'm going for a PG-13 rating. I hope MGM accepts the script, wish me luck! Also, I'm almost done with the script, but if you would like to read what I've written so far, go to www.scriptbuddy.com and go to published screenplays, I think the script is in page 11 or 12 or 13. It has plenty of action, so enjoy! If you read it, please leave feedback; I'd like to know what you think.


This show had one of the top 10 best cartoon theme songs ever!




hey man u should let me play as james. i mean my first name is james and my last initial is B.

its a natural decision....PICK mE!!!lol


I adored this show too, I remember getting up early just to watch it, then they took it off to show some lame-ass news show. But then came the action hour on Cartoon Network when they would show JBJ and Johnny Quest. I would love to have a copy of JBJ. Anyone have any leads?


it was ok, but there was somthing sinister bout it. i expected at the end to have james being recruited by mi6 or dying for his country. sadly it never happenned

Thunderbirds Aren't Slow


I'm happy i have found out i didn't dream watching the show. I watched it as a wee girl and thought it was the best show ever but non of my friends watched it and they think im making it up. i even watched it with my older sister but she doesn't remeber it. i think it used to be on ITV in the uk.

i dont remeber much of it but i used to know all the words to the theme.

it was so cool. its a shame they never showed reruns in the uk.

This is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But, it is, the end of the beginning.




Do you guys remember that episode with the camcorder thing that could see into the past? That was the s h i t!

"How appropriate. You fight like a cow." - Guybrush Threepwood


I remember watching this show in the morning before catching the school bus in the first grade!

I'm glad so many other people remember and enjoy this show.


I also watched this show in the mornings. It was on just before the Mickey Mouse Club, I was so young I don't remember it very well but I know I liked it.
