Looking for a quote by NW

In one episode, while he's berating LT Cramer, he says something along the lines of meals at Cramer's house probably involve him standing up eating tuna fish out of a can. Does anyone know where I can read/listen/watch this quote?


Sure. You can find that in "Over My Dead Body - A Nero Wolfe Mystery," the most satisfactory and sorely missed TV series, 2001-2002, starring Timothy Hutton (Archie Goodwin) and Maury Chaykin (Nero Wolfe).

Wolfe - Ah. Dinner is served. If you will join me, I think you will find that Fritz's cuisine ranks with the best of Zagreb.

Cramer - I'm not hungry. I don't usually eat until late.

Wolfe - Standing up in the kitchen, no doubt, out of a can. Your soul would benefit by expanding your palate, Mr. Cramer.
