Please end my life now
Sometimes I wonder how a movie gets made and what the process is from writer to theatre. Nothing has ever made me question this process more than this movie. I used to think Mystery Men was the worst movie ever made, but then Dude Where's My Car came out and took over that title. Now Extreme Ops has the honor of being the worst movie I have ever seen. There is no plot. The dialogue, when there is any, is written so poorly it made me want to go back to high school and retake all my english classes. I would say the "acting" was bad, but I truly believe that the "actors" really are just that awful, so there was really no acting involved. The action scenes were decent sometimes, but then I start to think that maybe because everything else was so bad, that it just made the action look that much better. The person who convinced the studio to make this movie needs to get some kind of award for pulling the best con job in the history of bad movies. Now I'm going to take my belt and shoelaces off because I'm putting myself on volunteer suicide watch.