Yet another DUMB Anti - SERBIAN movie...
The plot says:
"A film crew travels to the Austrian Alps near the (former) Yugoslav border to film three extreme sports enthusiasts being chased down by an avalanche for a commercial. What they don't know, however, is that they're filming near the secret hideout of Slobodan Pavle, a Serbian war criminal. Accidentally catching him on film, they become locked in a life-or-death chase through the mountains that includes skiing, snowboarding, sky diving, white water rafting, helicopters, motorcycles, and base jumping."
Yeah, right. Why would a "Serbian war criminal" hide "near the (former) Yugoslav" border??? What country is closes to Austria of the Former Yugoslav republics? Slovenia. I doubt Serbian "war criminals" are hiding in Slovenia.
Nice name too..."Slobodan Pavle". Basically, they took TWO Serbian first names and put them together. Serbia has NO white thrash names, a la Billy Bob. Jelena Dokic, Predrag Stojakovic, Vlade Divac, Dragan Stojkovic, Zeljko Raznatovic "Arkan", Slobodan Milosevic...those are what Serbian names are like.
And also, there's some "terrorist plot" to the movie, cause it would be pretty boooooring if the Serbian "war criminals" were just hiding there, disturbing nobody. Obvioulsy, there's a nuke involved or something like that. Like "Peacemaker", where a Serbian tried to smuggle a nuke into New York and detpmate. Riiiight. Serbs are NOT terrorists. Never been, never will be.
Maybe Hollywood should make more movies with Arab/Muslim terrrosts...considering 11/9 and all.