Beaking Bad vs. Spun
ALRIGHT.....alright, alright. until tonight, i had NEVER watched not even a single episode of BREAKING BAD. However, when i heard tonight was the LAST episode of the 6 years of it's airings... i decided to tune in.
First thing that struck me funny was that Walt drove a car eerily similar to the one Ross drives in SPUN. Not that it means anything though, really.
It was a fine episode. I enjoyed the nearly 70 minutes of the show. Furthermore, i feel that the show's unbelievable success and popularity is of no surprise. Not to me, anyway. America loves drugs. America loves drug stories. America loves drug movies. Alas, America loves drug television shows. Spun was ahead of it's time... the meth cook. Walt White is Mickey Rourke as The Cook. In the very true way that both lead characters are METH COOKS.
I was told so, so, so many times by movie producers, execs and financiers that Spun had a limited audience. Though we did make Spun, it proved to be difficult to fund it and distribute it.
Breaking Bad's phenomenal success proves that Spun was ahead of its time, in a way.
Now, many years later, I am in the process of making TRANZLOCO. And, like SPUN, I've come up against the very obstacles which were standing in the way of its making, currently being continually told by movie producers, execs, financiers that TRANZLOCO, is: content is too edgy, limited audience, too dark, unlikable characters, taboo subject matter.
Yet, MARK MY WORDS herein, upon this very day: after TRANZLOCO is made and not so many years down the line... there will be another #1 television show which will mirror the TRANZLOCO essence, content and storyline and again captivate the pop culture. -Will De Los Santos screenwriter/producer 'Spun' & screenwriter/direcdtor 'Tranzloco'