There are some movies that have some sort of entertainment value, which makes them watchable once or maybe even twice, but all-in-all, are movies that make you question how in the hell they ever got greenlit in the first place. Undisputed embodies that, to me. Boxing is always fun to watch, so I'll admit that there was that catchy aspect to the film when I first saw it. Upon subsequent viewings (two of them, unfortunately) the idiocy of the film started to overshadow the entertainment value provided by the few fight scenes. Let's talk specifically about said idiocy:
1) In what I can only assume is a maximum security prison, considering all the muderers, rapists, etc., the warden rolls over and lets Michael Rooker (don't even get me started about that a-hole) run a fight, as long as they leave no evidence. Then the mobsters show up and are running bets on the fight...Evidence? Publicity? I'd say so.
2) Just by sheer coincidence, the heavyweight champ and the hottest prospect of his day, AND a boxing-obsessed mobster with the connections end up in the same prison. I guess God had a hand in this fight.
3) The dialog sucks sucks SUCKS!!!!!! My favorite example would be the scene when Ripstein is telling Monroe about the fight and Monroe asks for a percentage, and Monroe says "I know fighters usually get 50% ON THE OUTSIDE" which is followed up with the all too predictable, "But we're not on the outside." When dialog is that obviously used as a gimmick to allow for cool lines (it is my theory, bordering on fact, that the only reason Monroe says "on the outside" [which is implied, considering fighters don't get paid on the INSIDE] is to allow for this "cool" line to be said by the hispanic dude (dunno his name)).
4) The skinheads and the black prisoners unite behind Monroe. So emotional, I couldn't see the screen through my tears.
5) Michael Rooker---somebody kill him.
There are more, but I'd like other opinions, agree or disagree, but as you can see, I want this movie to die. Slowly.