Did Iceman throw the fight?
Just watched this movie on cable tonight and thought I'd come on here and ask. We get the scene where the mobsters ask the old mobster's sidekick to ask Iceman to lay down in the fourth. We get the scene where Iceman's lawyer is telling him how screwed up his finances are. Then Iceman, after spending the past 10 years beating the best the sport has to offer without ever even getting knocked down, loses in the fourth to a guy who spent the last 10 years in prison beating up on conficts with questionable boxing skills. Now, back in his day Monroe clearly had skills...he was undefeated at the time of his incarceration...and I don't doubt that he could have beaten the champ....but in the fourth round? By an overwhelming knockout?? I believe the Iceman took a fall and the cash and got out of prison. Agree? Disagree?
"True wisdom comes from knowing that you know nothing. That's US, Dude!"