MovieChat Forums > Lilo & Stitch (2002) Discussion > the lullabye during the hammock scene

the lullabye during the hammock scene

What's the name of that lullabye (not sure if its a lullabye but it sounds like one) that Nani sings to Lilo on the hammock. It's so beautiful and it makes me cry everytime. Anybody know?

Oh slowly, slowly! It's too nice a job to rush!



Thanks!! I thought it sounded familiar.

Oh slowly, slowly! It's too nice a job to rush!


It was written by Queen Lili`uokalani, the last reigning monarch of Hawai'i and a prolific composer. The song was written as she watched two lovers embrace at Nu`uanu Pali on Oahu, but it is also serves as a farewell to her homeland and her kingdom.



Lullabye?!?! that was Aloha 'Oe. It was written and composed by Queen Liliu'okalani. The last queen of Hawai'i. It's worth looking into, it's such a musical treasure. has the lyrics and translation to that and many other of the Queen's songs. Enjoy!


Oh yeah. I saw that Queen Lili-whatever on a card thing we got every night at our hotel in Hawaii.

Stop in the name of American squeamishness!




I know Hawai'i may be just a bunch of photos in your fancy holliday album, ms. Pirate_princess30, but it's a Nation. Now, for example: If you were British, would you like to hear someone saying: "Oh, I saw that queen Eliz... whatever in a card"? Probably not. Well, it's the same. Monarchs have such a diplomatic respect and reverence with each other that it would shock Queen Elizabeth II herself hearing you refer to Queen Lili'uokalani with such despise. (I'm not Hawai'ian, in case you're wondering what's this all about. I'm just a coulture lover: an amateur anthropologist.)
Sorry, it just had to let it out.

(the song RULES by the way...)


I just had trouble remembering her name. And the hard name reminds me of my dad getting us lost on those roads in Hawaii cause they all sounded the same.

BTW, my Hawaii pics aren't in a photo album. They're still in the envelopes from Costco in a Rubbermaid container.

I found the Fountain of Youth! It's the toilet!
