favorite part?

yeah, I'm pretty positive this had been made before but I'm too lazy top check. Soooo what was your fave part? Mine definitely has to be-
"If you don't come out right now, I will stuff you in the blender, push puree', bake you into a pie and feed it to the social worker! And when he asks, 'mmm. What's your secret?' I'll say.........LOVE." xD

"Emmett nailed the pool boy!"
-Warner Huntington III at his dumbest


One of my favorite parts is when Jumba and Pleakley are spying on Stitch, and Jumba wants to try Pleakley's wig on ("You're just jealous 'cause I'm pretty!"), and then Pleakley gets attacked by a swarm of mosquitos. XD ("They're nuzzling my flesh with their noses!")

And my other favorite part is when Stitch leaves Lilo. D: It's soooo sad. I want to cry every time Lilo says "I remember everone that leaves."


Do you know what tuna is?
It's FISH!


All time favorite scene from this movie:

Stitch is being yelled at: "You're an evil experiment! Disgusting! Disruptive!" etc, etc. and Stitch adds in an adorable voice, "Also cute and fluffy."

"Yeah, but it's a DRY heat!" (Aliens, 1986)


mine was in the beginning when the teacher asks:
lilo y r u all wet?
it's sandwich day
until up to this line.....
pudge can control the weather


Mine is Lilo's whole outburst at her hula class. "Do you know what tuna is? IT'S FISH!! IF I GAVE PUDGE TUNA I'D BE AN ABOMINATION! I'M LATE BECAUSE I HAD TO GO TO THE STORE AND GET PEANUT BUTTER CAUSE ALL WE HAVE IS... IS... STINKIN' TUNA!" "Lilo, Lilo, why is this so important?" "Pudge controls the weather" Sad part is, is I totally quoted that from memory. I've seen this way too many times.

I'm an Anoopaholic! Vote Anoop Desai!

I'm alive at last! And I'm full of JOY!!!


Mine is the bit where Jumba and Stitch are fighting over the jammed up gun.
Stitch: Merry Christmas.
Jumba: It's not Christmas.
Stitch: Happy Hannukah!
Jumba: It's not Hannukah!
[Pleakley scoops up Lilo and carries her away from the house]
Lilo: We're leaving Stitch?
Pleakley: Trust me, this is not gonna end well!
Jumba: One potato!
Stitch: Two potato!
Jumba: Three potato!
Stitch: Four!
Jumba: Five potato!
Stitch: Six potato!
Jumba: Seven potato more!
Stitch: My...
Jumba: mother...
Stitch: told...
Jumba: me...
Stitch: you...
Jumba: are...
Stitch: ...the best.
Jumba: Ha! I win!
[gun explodes in his hands]
