MovieChat Forums > Lilo & Stitch (2002) Discussion > What is the name of the book...

What is the name of the book...

When Cobra Bubbles is visiting Lilo for the first time, she is reading some kind of voodoo book and punishing her "friends". I'm watching Lilo and Stitch on Disney Cinemagic and they took the title of the book away. Just wondering what it said? Surely it can't be something that bad?
I just noticed because theres a brief close up on the book with no title but when it pans back out, there is clearly writing on the book.
Anyone know what it says and why it might have been erased for television viewers...?

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It said "Practical Voodoo" on the cover.


Disney is the absolute worst bunch of PC pansies.


Thanks :)
Why cut it out though? So what if it just says "Voodoo"??? She's practicing it!!! Haha
Disney need to grow a pair. I'd hate to be a kid growing up with all this media "bubble wrap" around me, I'd never grow up into a strong, interesting person or learn anything fun or new... Angers me. If I ever have kids, they are going to know stuff, I don't want to wrap them up in wool and pretend that things like Voodoo are too much for them to handle :/

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