what does stitch say in the begining?
When the councilwoman asks stitch the question what does it mean?
shareWhen the councilwoman asks stitch the question what does it mean?
shareWhat, "Meega na la queesta"?
It means something very very bad, like "I **** you all", or something.
My friend thought it meant "The Council are all jerks", but in Stitch! the Movie, Sparky uses that same oath on Stitch, and he is horrified.
Ahcoota Choonutro
Degatah No Mootah
Naga Tonala
Eetruma Tadrutah
~Angel's song~
I thought it meant "I'm gonna kill you".
Because in the Spooky episode Lilo says " And you can scare Mertle"
then Stitch replies with the phrase "Mertle nala qweeesta!"
If a sailor taught you English ,then you have a very limited vocabulary.
He could be saying, "I **** Mertle".
By the way...**** is NOT the f-word. Try the d-word. I don't like writing any curse words (except, of course, somebody in my fanfic is saying, "I'm in a living hell!", or something like that), no matter the severity.
Ahcoota Choonutro
Degatah No Mootah
Naga Tonala
Eetruma Tadrutah
~Angel's song~
Yeah I started thinking about it last night. Maybe it means" I curse you all to h-e-doublehockeystix!"( I didn't want to get in trouble for use foul language.)
If a sailor taught you English ,then you have a very limited vocabulary.
He says " You are all doomed!" " This place looks like the top of a toilet that's uncovered and full of crap!"
shareMy best guess is that it means something like.
I’m going to kill you in an extremely painful and disgusting way.
Meega can be I, me, my or I’m.
Nala can be a Verb
Kweesta an extremely descriptive Adjective
To fully understand what is means you would had to know how grammar worked in the language
And it would probably lose its significance during translation.
Or you could ask Chris Sanders the voice and creator of Stitch, if you ever meet him. He is the only person in the world that might no for shore what it means
It means he's gonna poop on them, that's why she says "so naughty".
Life's tough, it's tougher when you're stupid.
This phrase is actually translated in the subs on the Chinese version for some reason. I can't remember exactly what it said though the character for death was used so he was probably threatening them. Of course, this character is also used in other context, so it could have been him calling them stupid.
English Language Anime: Dub it, don't pervert it.
It's supposed to be "naughty" rather than scary
Perhaps it's an expression so offensive that it has so human language equivalent
He obviously says something really explicit along the lines of, "I'm gonna lick your *beep* and rub my nose in it, whore!"
That's why when the councilwoman alien is sentencing Stitch, Stitch licks the glass in a circular fashion and then rubs his nose all over his spit.
I have to agree. Not only do I simply like the idea of a covert, sickeningly deranged statement being in a kid's film, but you can see the robot vomiting. The reaction of the entire crowd in addition to this makes me think it has to be something in reference to a phallus, vomit, excrement or other such unpleasant thing.