Anyone else cry?

Did anyone else cry at the end when Stitch is about to be taken away and is telling the alien, "this is my family, etc." I remember how it brought tears to my eyes (and that rarely happens). Even to this day i get a lump in my throat when i see it.



I hadn't watched it in years, and I finally did a few weeks ago with my roomates. Thank goodness it was dark, I was crying so much, but I never did when I was a kid. The scene with Nani and Lilo in the hammock, and others. Sheesh. I guess it all went over my head, or I was really homesick when I saw it.


Every single time I see that scene, I's poignant and sweet, and the innocence in Stich's voice is very 'real.'


The Ugly Duckling scene is still my favorite, also because it to me is the epitome of emotional short-subjects for the Silly Symphonies. (I still get sad thinking of the scene where the little duckling is crying and makes a horn-like sound. It's somewhat funny, but his sadness about not being accepted overrides that).

Plus, the one part where Stitch looks up and says, 'I'm lost.'

"Thanks, guys." "So long, partner."

- Toy Story 3 (9/10)


Yeah, when he said "I'm lost" I seriously had to hold back some tears. This is a really great movie with some real moments.


I almost did, very emotional. I find these sort of scenes actually MORE emotional than the ones that are supposed to be really sad.


I cried during a lot of scenes in this movie, that's why I like it


Me, too, especially the line, "I like you better as a sister than a mom... and you like me better as a sister than a rabbit, right?"


YES. The 'still good' line makes me wail hysterically.
Also, when Stitch leaves but takes the Ugly Duckling book along with him. That always gets me.

"Well Wonderboy, it's been a real suh-lice" - Megara, Hercules
