
what ever happened to porky the pig?



Hmm if Candysuxx doesnt know then the mystery will probably remain unsdolved until someone watches specifically to find out.


lol, i dont even know what made me think bout


OMG I dont even remember, never thought of it before. if someone can tell me the season and around which episodes i can check on my dvds. but as many characters just disappeared i suspect the porky did to


Dont worry about it - T.V shows do sometimes seem to forget about certain characters and dont really give a proper reason for their disappearance. =)



When was the last time he was seen? Before the Fire started by Tophat :S maybe he took him and ate him....



He was in S2. I remember towards the end he was decorated in a basket. Was he in S3?


I'm sure he was used as a bet in the gambling den and whoever won him, ate him.



He was definitely in the beginning S3, I remember Salene saying something along the lines of "Look Porky survived!". He was probably eaten by the chosen *sniff* bless his little trotters :(


Porky the pig was around until the chosen took over the mall. Cloudy also disappeared at the same time. I would guess that the chosen ran them off or returned them to the farm. A place where a pig belongs. But they never did disclose where he and cloudy were sent to. I don't want to think the chosen ate him. It's possible but the Guardian would've made a big deal about it, because it was a mallrats pet. He did everything publicly to spite them and let them know he was in charge.
