MovieChat Forums > The Tribe (1999) Discussion > Tribe Awards 2002 video - song help!

Tribe Awards 2002 video - song help!

I was browsing the videos here: and watched this particular video: - does anyone know the song that plays the first 10 seconds?

I was wondering if it was on The Tribe soundtrack. Anyhelp is appreciated :)

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The song is not off the soundtrack. I have tried running a lyric check with the words I pulled but it isn't much and all I have been getting is "How far we've come" by matchbox 20 and i know that that isn't who sings the song.

The lyrics I've pulled are "How far we've got, How far we'll (or I'll) go" thats like in the last 2 seconds of the song before it switches.

I own both tribe albums and it isn't on there. Sorry I tried.


Aww, well thanks for trying :/ ...maybe someone will know.
Check out my website!


This was wrecking my head for ages, but finally got it!

It's Boyzone - "A Different Beat"

Hope that helps.


WOW!I owe you my life for this one! Thanks so much!

Check out my website!



WOW! Your good. I have the 2nd Tribe CD and it was not from that.

I did watch the music video on You Tube and around 2:55 is where they lifted the track.

All the best.


Wow... I never heard of boyzone before and after watching the youtube video... I'm kinda glad they only used that small portion of the song.


Wow never heard of Boyzone!?!? lol

Can i just ask, is the first Album Abe Messiah or is that the second? thats the one i have...whats the other Album called? and what songs does it have on it? thanks :)

Give hugs not drugs

<3 One man can change his stars <3


I Have the Abe Messiah CD. From what I understand Abe Messiah is just a remix of the first CD with a few non-vocal tunes added to it. But I could be wrong, as I do not have the first CD to compare it to. Oh, and the Abe Messiah CD has the 3 Music Videos on it if you put it into your computers DVD ROM drive.

Hope this helps.

