Was Mega brought in to replace Ved?
After watching Series 4, I've garnered the conclusion that had Dan Weekes Hannah not been fired then Mega would not have been created and Ved would have been the villain of series 5.
Here's why:
[*] Ved's exit was not written in the original script of the series. The actor was fired half way through filming.
[*] Ved throughout the series 4 up until his exit is seen as Ram's understudy and that if anything happened to Ram then Ved would fill his shoes.
[*] Mega turns up quite late in the series without any explanation or introduction and although Mega does appear in a scene (when Ebony asks Mega about what he knows of Ram when Ram is sick and Java and Ved won't let anyone see him) before Ved's on screen exit, he never appears in a scene with Ved indicating Mega scene's were shot after Dan Weekes Hannah had left the show.
[*] Mega is never referenced in any conversation by Ved or any character in the same scene as Ved. In Ved's last appearance he is telling Java that it Ram goes it's just him and her.
[*] In a few scenes towards the end of the series between Ved and Java, Java suggests that her and Ved could take over together and that Ved is Ram's natural successor. Like Java and Mega did in series 5. If this was the original idea then it was ruined by the firing of Dan Weekes Hannah, thus they would have to bring in a replacement to fill Ved's role.....Mega.
[*] Ved became disillusioned with Ram towards the end of the series, after Cloe went missing Ved challenged Ram to a fight in virtual reality. Ved does then later save Ram's life but once again Ved becomes annoyed with Ram's idea to hurt Jay and Ved goes to look for Jay to help him flee the City. Had Dan Weekes Hannah not been fired it's not difficult to see that the original plot could have involved Ved helping Jay and the Mallrats overthrow Ram and then take over with Java (as Mega did in Series 5).