What waz this film about, a waz rely confused. Why waz there dead people everywhere. and why did they make clones of the skater. Am usualy rely impressd by Joaquin Phoenixs films but this waz weird. And why where they on the run all the time and why waz it snowin all the time and why were there flyin people in africa. Lauren xxxxxxxx
what I'm more confused about is how the hell can someone spell that badly. its I no A, was not was, really not rely and 'and' should only be used to connect the last 2 parts of the sentence not every part.
In the first sequence, you are informed that the year is 2021. The film itself is the combination of thriller, futuristic film and melodrama with the topic of apocalypse. People are dead because of "cosmic disorder", which causes the snow in July and indirectly a cardiac arrest. They clone Elena because her heart is getting weaker and without her their business would fail. That's why they make clons and plan murders of the lovers. John and Elena are aware of that and as a result, they're always on the run. The snowing causes apoclaypse and global freezing...everybody dies. The end. Very pretentious in my oppinion. Was it helpful?
I just saw the movie, and as the one person in the board that I feel actually helps understand the it, could you help me? Here's my question. I didn't understand what were they doing in the middle of nowhere at the end of the movie. I got they were escaping, together with their friend Michael. Then John gets a phone call, checks Michael's agenda, and something happened there that I didn't get. Why did they continued in opposite directions? Did they know they were going to die no matter what? Why didn't they get back to the road? I was hoping Joaquin's character wouldn't die in this one. Seems he takes roles of people that always die in the end...though this was a very "romantic" death. Thanks in advance for your help!
I can't help you with why they were stranded in the middle of nowhere, cause I'm wondering about the same thing. But Michael, Elena's brother btw, went in the opposite direction because John discovered that he had helped set up the shooting at the ice rink. (sp?) That was what was in his agenda. And in the following conversation he told John why he'd done what he did.
I think they knew they were going to die as soon as they reached the top of the hill, and there were no houses, like they expected it to be. Don't know why they didn't get back on the road, suppose it was a metaphore for something. Perhaps this was also a part of Michael's plan for Elena's death, and he lured them out there. But then it back fired when John found out?
Hmmmm.... still lots of un-answered questions. Guess I gotta see this movie one more time.
They were stranded in the middle of nowhere because Betsy's uncle never came to pick them up at the train station because due to the weather the roads were closed. So they started to walk.
Michael went the other way once John found out that he had helped set up the shooting of Elena at the rink. So they told Elena that Michael was "going back for help".
claudiusamayoa - michael is elena's BROTHER; john finds in michael's calendar that michael intended to have john and elena killed off at the arena - that he was part of the conspiracy; instead of crushing elena with bad news about her brother's bad intentions, john let's michael off the hook and tells elena that michael will be going back for help. basically he is saying: michael, you betrayed us and now must leave us; good luck and good bye. the scene then shows them going separate ways.
That's right, in the bottom line. Only one comment: everyone says: "clones" to refer to the three girls being prepared to replace Elena. They are not clones; they were sought all over eastern Europe being as alike as posible to her, and molded to look, act and skate like her.
well... I am really confused as to why you even sat down to watch this film. Someone with such bad spelling is obviously missing an integral part of knowledge and probably shouldn't watch a movie like this at all. The questions you ask show that you clearly had no understanding of the basic plot of the story. Weren't you bored trying to get through it all?
The thing that I dont get, is why someone only comes on this website to insult people. Whether someone has the most amazing typing skills or not, does not really have an impact on the ability they have to understand a plot. I really feel that your inmaturity shows when your response to someone asking about the plot ... is to insult how they spell. GOOD ONE !!
oh and if i made any typos or small spelling mistakes, MY GREATEST APOLOGIES!! This website is to talk about movies and to fully understand them, so use it as such. Thanks.
Yes please STFU, about a grammer and spelling lecture please, when the real reason behind it is because someone is probably typing too fast and doesn't obsess or care to edit. BTW, besides misuse of acronyms, I have also misused a comma, homynyms, spelling and sentences!
Maybe English isn't his mother tongue and he/she is fluent in four other languages. I get annoyed when people just presume that you are not intelligent if you can't speak/write English well.
There are sorts of mistakes that only native English speakers and people who want to be like them instead of learning the language properly make, you know. I've noticed. I won't tell anyone off for it, but it's really annoying to see bad spelling and grammar, because many times it is difficult for a non native English speaker like me to understand it.
I just watched the movie, however feel it is more important to address you first, my questions second.
It is obviously a young kid - not sure of your "hip-o-meter" but they all think it is fun to spell like that now. As a parent of one of them, I appreciate it, keeps txt messages shorter. So rather than do what I have just done - answer the question and let us judge you back on your intelligent responses rather than slamming some poor kid that obviously likes movies and is expanding their big bad brain.
My question: If they were trying to kill the real Elena and John at the rink. Why did the man in the hat let them run by? He was obviously the guy that set up the kill, yet didn't budge when they went by. I got the feeling that they were letting them escape.
I have to say agree. Typically, I don't have a problem with movies that aren't tied up in neat packages, but this one was beyond me.
The photography was beautifully dark, and reminded me in many ways of Blade Runner. The story itself however, didn't really hold up to me. The love story part was fine, and held up. The rest of it, not so much.
OK the basic thought here is if you can spell correctly, do it-it's not cute to do otherwise no matter who says different. Nor is it admirable (IMHO) to do abbreviations. So plz write out wht u mean. Plz? (only jivetalking here, plz dont be angry.)
PS I culdnt understnd it ether. Though the idea it took place in the future helped a little. I got a kick out of:
There's a dead man lying at the bottom of the steps. Just step over him. Just step over him huh?
Ok, so maybe I'm an elitist snob. But how one spells and uses grammar is a reflection upon one's intelligence and education. For example, I sometimes misspell words and bungle my grammar. This is because I am not a genius. On the other hand, I do make an attempt to be understood, and most importantly, I PROOFREAD MY MESSAGES BEFORE I CLICK "POST." Furthermore, if you're misspelling in order to be "hip," "cool," or cute, it's just plain rude.
By the way, I agree with everyone about how poorly this movie was executed. I think this director must suffer from what I call the "George Lucas" syndrome: Not enough people around him with guts enough to tell him "No, George, don't do that. Jar-Jar Binks a bad idea. Ewoks are a bad idea."
me too, i guess that was the most impressive thing this movie achieved. i hate it when people in the movies are trying to make a point and go on and on about it, as if they're audience were brainless morons. quite a few things were just dropped in and left like that, without bothering to spell everything out for you, which was nice (esp. liked the sean penn idea, though when he dies he says it's snowing everywhere and then you see the people flying in africa, where it's still hot and sunny- so why is it only getting colder in the us and europe? did i miss something?). also, i usually don't like joaqin phoenix very much (in fact i avoid him as far as possible) after watching him in 'gladiator', which was PAINFUL to say the least; this time, though, he came across surprisingly well i think. but please, tell me what their point was? after all was said and done? or was it their point to not actually make a point? i couldn't really come up with a 'morale' or anything the like, even though they rediscovered their love nothing changed. of course the people around them were exposed as ruthless and everything, now that i come to think of it i wouldn't even trust betsy; but then this isn't an everyday situation, she was a hugely successful ice-skater, i daresay some of the ideas might have worked better if placed in a more banal environment, don't you think? so still, i'd be really interested in what you guys got out of it.
>>what was Sean Penn doing in this movie is what I dont understand<<
My best guess, and it's only a guess, is that it has to do with Paul Webster, the executive producer. Webster is in post-production on Atonement, from the marvelous Ian McEwan Pulitzer Prize winning novel and is working on Eastern Promises, Cronenberg's new film currently shooting with Viggo Mortensen in London. If you look up Webster, you will see that he has some fine film to his credit. Perhaps Penn thought it would be more "Cronenbergian." I'd love to see Penn work with Cronenberg! I can also see where this could have been an interesting screen play. It appears to be a director's flub...maybe it got screwed up in the editing. Certainly the pacing is deadly. I agree with those that say it tried to be a lot of things, but missed.
I also agree with those that have posted that spelling, punctuation and grammar matter. They do. Badly written posts are not worth the trouble to read. If you have something to say, at least try to say it well and respect your reader's time and effort. Text messaging is killing our language.
>>what was Sean Penn doing in this movie is what I dont understand<<
YELWROSE has a very technical opinion and well documented as for why Sean Penn is in the movie; I guess he's right. I would like to comment in other direction. I don't know if I'm wrong, but I have the impression that the director plays a game with the viewer, getting you to believe that the person who is narrating the story (who begins saying: "I will tell you the story of the last seven days of my life") is John, because as he is saying this, Joaquim (John) appears in scene, while Sean Penn appears a lot later. But, as you can see at the end of the movie, you realize that the narrator is Sean Penn's caracter, because it's the same voice saying: "I will die in line 23, the plane can't land anywhere...". So, as a fact, He is the main caracter in the movie, since the main story (those last seven days of life) are his and not those of his brother.
Please let me know if anyone shares this opinion or if, as a fact, I misunderstood it.