When Michael slaps....

...the knife-wielding double-Elena, in the hotel room just after John sees the doubles for the first time, the sound of the slaps is TOTALLY out of synch with the physical action. I'm thinking this has to be intentional, but I can't think why, unless it's just to show that John's suffering some kind of disconnect because what he's seeing is too much to deal with.

That doesn't seem very convincing, though. Anyone have any other ideas?

Also, why at the very end is there a quick closeup of John, awake and _not_ in the wilderness?

Finally, anyone heard why the actors were apparently soooooo unhappy with the final product? Claire Danes reportedly burst into tears upon seeing the finished film and everyone else has "disowned" it.


i would assume claire danes was unhappy because the film made it look like she can't act. she seems to just make random facial expressions and bark out half-ambiguous-accented words. the way she plays the character (as seen in the final product) is utterly unbelievable emotionally.


If I were them, I'd be upset to. With such an incredible cast and what could have been a fantastic film. I'm thinking that what they saw on screen was not at all what they thought they were filming. Like the shot random scenes and they tried to piece together a film from it.

