The great liar, Grandpa calls (it). He used the words "evil" and all that. So are we talking like the anitchrist or something? Why haven't I seen any threads claiming satanic movie here? I felt so dirty after this film I wanted to chug holy water and repent. So is satan gonna rule the world presumably from the ending of this movie? Lets not beat around the bush and be all ambiguous as to what "the darkness" is supposed to be. It represents satan plain and simple. So what was the point of this movie?
Yeah - definitely lots of Biblical references to the Great Liar, Darkness etc. Obvious what/who the Darkness is supposed to be. Strange how it's never flat-out called what it is in the film.
Al: Who wouldn't be tense? This music could make Will Rogers punch a nun.
Sorry, what you are referring to is Devil Worship, not Satanism. Devil worship is worship of darkness, the devil, evil etc etc etc. Satanisn actually has nothing to do with the devil, its primarily the worship of self. Just a misnomer thats existed for far too long. (Many satanists do not even acknowledge god or the devil)
If you're going to be so sensitive about it, maybe you should avoid watching horror movies. You felt dirty, you wanted to repent? But I know the feeling, I feel dirty and want to repent every time I watch the news on TV or read a newspaper and it doesn't keep me from getting informed. But going through all this while watching a movie, I really wonder how you keep getting up in the morning...
Let's face it: comedy's a dead art form. Now tragedy, that's funny!
I believe it has to do with Egyptian mythology and the idea of chaos and disorder preceding an "opposing" force of order, which is a bit esoteric to some. It also has Judeo-Christian influences, however. I'd like to note I saw that a rather astute Wikipedia editor noted the Egyptian influences.
What I have gathered about Satanism (correct me if I'm wrong):
Satanism in the LaVeyan sense is little more than romanticized atheism with influence from Rand's Objectivism. They don't perform rituals to worship Satan, but they do openly believe that the means justifies the ends if it benefits you personally in a situation. They oppose ideas of traditional morality and use Satan as a central figure of embodiment, as they believe rebellion is liberation.
There are more obscure forms of Satanism that do promote the idea of worshiping Satan and such. Some of these, such as the Temple of the Black Light have actually been explicitly associated with rape and murder. Temple of the Black Light happen to integrate some Egyptian mythology and religion into their beliefs, furthermore. They literally believe in chaos and disorder. I don't bring up isolated sects as this to cause moral panic or be sensational, mind you.
The aforementioned, obscure sect seem to play into the idea of both Judeo-Christian conceptions and Egyptian religious conceptions, interestingly enough.
Genesis chapter 1, verse 2:
And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.
Being that I am more familiar with Judeo-Christian ideas and consider myself no expert, I'll quote a Wikipedia entry on the film for contrast between the two concepts:
...Darkness as depicted in the film resembles that found in ancient Egyptian mythology and religion - the state of chaos and formless void that existed before Creation and which constantly threatened existence thereafter. This primal darkness was embodied in the Ogdoad and in the great serpent Apophis; was associated with water (hence the constant rainy weather in the film); and opposed Ma'at, the Egyptian concept of Truth and Order).
Say what you will about Wikipedia and how it has widely varying sources and as such is at times wildly inaccurate, I think that's pretty well written and astute. The syncretism of it all is quite interesting, I think.
So if Satanism is just self-worship why isn't it called that instead of having Satan in the name of it? I'm not jumping on anyone here, I'm just curious.
LaVeyans are atheists or agnostics who use Satan as a symbol of their conception of unadulterated human nature -- which they deem as "pure" and individualistic -- borrowing philosophically largely from Rand and Nietzsche, beyond the symbol. They disregard the self denial held to be so valuable by Judeo-Christian religion in particular. In that mythology -- Satan is the opposing figure to that -- so it's a logical symbol. The inverse pentacle also signifies the reversal and denial of the ways of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit of Christianity to some LaVeyans and other Satanists.
Theistic Satanism uses the figure in a literal fashion, obviously. Within that religious practice Satan is viewed as bestowing knowledge and being a transcendental element. They believe that Satan willed for the good of man in encouraging Adam and Eve to partake of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil in Eden. There's more diversity in the views of Theistic Satanists than LaVeyans, however. The (LaVeyan) Church of Satan actually considers Theistic Satanism to be "heretical". I.e., a Christian "reversal" of their form of Satanism.
Yes. You're right.
I don't understand when somebody writes here about "Lovecraftian movie", there is not Lovecraftian movie, this is apocalyptic horror about satanic dark forces.
When Regina and Carlos read the book, there was inscription " Satan" at the bottom of the temple/house blueprint. And the first picture in the book was about the battle God VS Satan.
So, Satan wins in this movie.